Workshop Participants

Cynthia Hewitt, Sociology, Morehouse College
Cathy Manduca, Science Education Resource Center, Carleton College
Barb Tewksbury, Geosciences, Hamilton College
- Activity: The Geologic Record of Saharan Climate Change and the Impact on Human History and Prehistory
- Essay: Why geoscience? Why geoscience in the context of societally and culturally relevant questions?
- Syllabus: Geology and Human Events in North Africa and the Middle East
Ebenezer Aka, Urban Studies, Morehouse College
Ruth Deike, Executive Director, Rock Detective Geoscience Education
Adetokunbo Denloye, Chemical and Petroleum Engineering, University of Lagos
- Syllabus: Introduction to Reservoir Engineering
Richard Gragg, School of the Environment, Florida A & M University
Cynthia Hall, Geology and Environmental Science, College of Charleston
- Syllabus: Exploring South Africa's Geologic Environment for Integration into High School Earth Science
K. Solomon Isiorho, Geosciences, Indiana University-Purdue University-Fort Wayne
- Syllabus: Physical Systems of the Environment
Kipton Jensen, Philosophy, Morehouse College
- Essay: An Apologia for a Cross-Cultural or Cosmopolitan Anthology of Ancient Philosophy
- Syllabus: Ancient Philosophy
Mintesinot Jiru, Natural Sciences, Coppin State University
- Syllabus: Earth and Space Sciences
Renee Jordan, Morehouse College

Kim Kastens, Marine Geology & Geophysics, Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory
Michael Kiflai, Earth and Environment, Florida International University
Samuel Livingston, African American Studies, Morehouse College
- Syllabus: Africana Ethics and Social Justice
Hajj Umar Mohammed, CEO, Site Coordinator for Educational Study Abroad and Research Fieldwork Pan-African Multimedia, Ltd.
Cyril Okhio, Dual Degree Engineering Program, Clark Atlanta University
Camellia Okpodu, Biology, Norfolk State University
Onesimus Otieno, Biological Sciences, Oakwood University
- Syllabus: General Ecology
David Padgett, Geographic Information Sciences, Tennessee State University
- Activity: The Geo-Politics of Dr. Wangari Maathai's Greenbelt Movement
- Blood Diamonds (Acrobat (PDF) 3.8MB May24 17)
David Singer, Geology, Kent State University
- Syllabus: Environmental Earth Sciences
Colleen Stapleton, Mathematics, Science, and Informatics, Mercer University
- Activity: Case Study: Erosion at Providence Canyon
Sara Stone, Science Education, Harvard University
- Essay: Planetary Health

Ethell Vereen, Biology, Morehouse College
Christy Visaggi, Geosciences, Georgia State University
- Activity: Geology Around The World
Zipangani Vokhiwa, Mathematics, Science, and Informatics, Mercer University
- Syllabus: Environmental Impacts and Living Systems
John Warford, History, Political Science, and Geography, Florida A & M University
- Essay: Some Principles & Concepts Embedded in African-Centered Culturally-Responsive Teaching Practices
Miesha Williams, Economics, Morehouse College
Myron Williams, Chemistry, Clark Atlanta University
Cheryl Young, Science, Heritage University
James Young, Education, Clark Atlanta University
Participants that were unable to attend
Kwasi Densu, History, Political Science, and Geography, Florida A & M University
- Activity: FAMU Cuba Study Abroad Program
Cynthia Lawry-Berkin, Blinn College
- Activity: Slippery slope of litigation
- Syllabus: Physical Geology: Geology 1403
John Weber, Geology, Grand Valley State University (not able to attend workshop)
Rory McFadden, Science Education Research Center, Carleton College