Program Design: Laying the Foundation for Tomorrow's Sustainability Workforce
Sixteen institutional or cross-institutional teams across the country have embarked on implementation efforts to use InTeGrate materials and approaches to reach programmatic goals including: recruiting and supporting diverse learners, teaching about the Earth across the curriculum, connecting geoscience to societal issues, preparing teachers to teach Earth Science, and supporting transfer between 2 year and 4 year programs and to the workforce. The teams have provided detailed information about what they did, why, and how it worked as a way of providing models for others interested in combining learning about the Earth with societal issues. Learn about the challenges and successes of individual programs, common elements across programs, and how they set about making and supporting change.
Common Program Elements
If there are particular program elements you are interested in, such as advising and mentoring, curriculum development, teacher preparation, etc., you can see how the different programs made use of them in their work.
Addressing learning about the Earth at the programmatic level can take many forms. Each of the program models above focused on some combination of these strategies in their work.

Program Profiles
A number of different kinds of programs have been profiled as a way of sharing great ideas. From degree programs to support programs, these profiles present how departments across the country are responding to the challenges facing them.
- Orr C.H., McDaris J.R. (2019) Supporting Implementation of Program-Level Changes to Increase Learning About Earth. In: Gosselin D., Egger A., Taber J. (eds) Interdisciplinary Teaching About Earth and the Environment for a Sustainable Future. AESS Interdisciplinary Environmental Studies and Sciences Series. Springer, Cham