Earth Education for Sustainable Societies
October 14-16, 2019
Carleton College, Northfield, MN

Note: this workshop has already taken place. Read the vision statementfor a summary of key ideas and see the priority areas identified by workshop participants. Workshop presentations and summaries of discussions are available on theprogram page; participants' essay contributions are available via theparticipants page.
See also, follow-on article: Gilbert, L. A., R. Teasdale, and C. A. Manduca (2020), A new vision of sustainability in Earth science education, Eos, 101, Published on 30 June 2020.
This workshop is an opportunity for thought leaders to come together and identify high-priority and exciting ideas for moving forward from the foundation built by InTeGrate Project to strengthen Earth education. Bringing together those from within and outside of the geoscience education community, including those focused on teaching, research, and outreach, the workshop is designed to inspire diverse ideas for future work and provide a venue for new and diverse groups to envision and share ideas for new approaches and directions to address issues of sustainability through learning about the Earth.
Workshop Conveners
- Lisa Gilbert, Williams College
- Rachel Teasdale, California State University Chico
- Cathy Manduca, Carleton College
- Felicia Davis, Clark Atlanta University
- Margie Turin, Columbia University
- Hannah Scherer, Virginia Tech
- Rory McFadden, Gustavus Adolphus College
- Mintesinot Jiru, Coppin State University
Funding provided by National Science Foundation award #1933699 to L. Gilbert (PI) at Williams College and C. Manduca (co-PI) at Carleton College.