Making Change Happen at your Institution: How to Overcome Practical Challenges and Build Momentum
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Transforming Teacher Preparation to Teach for SustainabilityThursday, June 2
11:30 am PT | 12:30 pm MT | 1:30 pm CT | 2:30 pm ET
Friday, May 27, 2016
10:00 am Pacific | 11:00 am Mountain | 12:00 pm Central | 1:00 pm Eastern
Presenter: Judith Ramaley (President Emerita and Distinguished Professor of Public Service, Portland State University)
This webinar is part of a series supporting teaching with InTeGrate principles, using InTeGrate-developed and curated materials as tools.

At the end of this webinar, participants will have
- motivation to launch and sustain institutional change
- strategies for aligning effort with institutional priorities, making use of assets that already exist, and engaging other stakeholders in the efforts
- strategies for positioning their work as an answer to important institution-wide questions
- greater familiarity with InTeGrate principles and resources
- new colleagues engaged in this work
Time - 10:00 am Pacific | 11:00 am Mountain | 12:00 pm Central | 1:00 pm Eastern
Duration - 1 hour
Format - Online web presentation via Adobe Connect web conference software with questions and discussion.
Registration - Registration for this webinar is now closed.
Preparation - There is no advance preparation required for this webinar.
Please email Alice Newman (anewman AT if you have any questions about this event.
Judith Ramaley is President Emerita and Distinguished Professor of Public Service at Portland State University. She served as Assistant Director of Education and Human Resources at the National Science Foundation from 2001-2005. She has played an active role in higher-education reform and has worked cooperatively to design regional alliances to promote educational cooperation. She has contributed to national discussions about the changing nature of work and the workforce and plays a national role in the exploration of civic responsibility and the role of higher education in promoting good citizenship. She has published extensively on educational reform, science, technology, engineering and mathematics education and the leadership of organizational change. She is also part of the InTeGrate advisory board.Program
1) Welcome and introductory remarks
2) A primer on change and setting up a cycle of innovation
3) Understanding how your institution works
4) Sustaining change over the long term
- How your project fits into your campus culture
- How your work offer insights into how to support student success
- Sharing what you have learned with colleagues
5) Getting ready to expand your efforts (generating support for change)
- Connecting with institutional priorities and existing assets:
- Aligning your project with institutional priorities
- Identifying existing assets that can support your work
- Prioritizing gatekeepers/stakeholder who influence the distribution of resources
- Raising awareness and gaining attention:
- Venues, networks, and conversations to prioritize
- Defining your message to stakeholders
6) Making the transition: Now what?
7) Q & A
8) Concluding remarks
9) Thank you and opportunities for further interaction
10) Webinar evaluation
- Slideshow for today's webinar: InTeGrate Making Change Happen at your Institution Slideshow 2016 (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 5.9MB May27 16)
- About InTeGrate
- Expanding the Impact of your Program -- this is a pair of recorded webinars that took place in 2015, featuring Dr. Ramaley on the topic of institutional change
- Nationwide efforts:
- Liberal Education and America's Promise (LEAP) is a national advocacy, campus action, and research initiative that champions the importance of a twenty-first century liberal education—for individuals and for a nation dependent on economic creativity and democratic vitality.
- The LEAP Challenge calls on colleges and universities to engage students in signature work that will prepare them to integrate and apply their learning to a significant project.
- The Degree Qualifications Profile : This effort aims to develop a learning-centered framework for what college graduates should know and be able to do to earn the associate, bachelor's or master's degree.
- Project Kaleidoscope ( This site may be offline. ) is AAC&U's STEM higher education reform center dedicated to empowering STEM faculty.
- Peer Review. Navigating Institutional Change for Student Success in STEM. Spring2015, Vol.17, No.2.
- In particular, Dr. Ramaley recommends the article Increasing Student Success in STEM by Mary J.S. Roth and Susan Elrod, pages 8-12.
- Catalyzing Change in STEM Teaching. May 2016. An Issues Brief from Equal Measure
- For information on the Earth Educators' Rendezvous 2016 and NAGT Traveling Workshops Program, please click icons below: