Initial Publication Date: April 5, 2017

Addressing Earthquake Hazards with LiDAR, GPS, and InSAR in Upper-level Undergraduate Courses

Thursday, April 13th

10:00 am PT | 11:00 am MT | 12:00 pm CT | 1:00 pm ET

Presenters: Beth Pratt-Sitaula (UNAVCO), Gareth Funning (University of California-Riverside), and Phil Resor (Wesleyan University)

This webinar is part of a series supporting teaching with InTeGrate principles, using InTeGrate-developed and curated materials as tools. The modules in this webinar are from an InTeGrate sister-project called "GEodesy Tools for Societal Issues" GETSI.


The cutting edge methods of GPS, LiDAR, and InSAR are seldom taught in undergraduate courses, but are essential tools for researchers studying the active Earth. This webinar will present two modules intended for upper-level geoscience courses that feature learning about active tectonics through these geodetic methods and motivated by improved societal preparedness for earthquakes. Presenters will highlight teaching strategies and examples ranging from in-class activities to capstone projects. GEodesy Tools for Societal Issues (GETSI) collection editor, Beth Pratt-Sitaula, will discuss the value in teaching geoscience through the lens of societal challenges. Author Phil Resor will discuss the module GPS, Strain, and Earthquakes which features using ongoing deformation as measured by GPS stations to study crustal strain and earthquake hazards and risk. Gareth Funning will describe the module Imaging Active Tectonics which uses LiDAR and InSAR to better identify active landforms and characterize recent earthquakes in order to assess earthquake risks, even those far from population centers. The webinar will include 30 minutes of presentations and 25 minutes of discussion. Participants are encouraged to both ask questions of the presenters and discuss their own experiences regarding active tectonics and earthquake hazard learning. Modules are particularly appropriate for majors-level courses in structural geology, tectonics, geophysics, tectonic geomorphology, geohazards, and applied engineering.


At the end of this webinar, participants will have:

  • better awareness of ways to integrate GPS, LiDAR, and InSAR data and quantitative skills into undergraduate majors-level courses
  • strategies to engage students in geoscience learning through community-level earthquake preparedness planning
  • greater familiarity with GETSI (GEodesy Tools for Societal Issues) teaching resources and principles
  • connections to new colleagues engaged in this work


Time - 10:00 am PT | 11:00 am MT | 12:00 pm CT | 1:00 pm ET
- 1 hour
Format - Online web presentation via Adobe Connect web conference software with questions and discussion.
Go to the webinar technology page for information on using Adobe Connect.
Detailed instructions for joining the webinar will be emailed to registered participants one day prior to the webinar.

Registration is now closed.

Preparation - There is no advance preparation required for this webinar.

Please email Rory McFadden ( if you have any questions about this event.


Beth Pratt-Sitaula, Education and Community Engagement, UNAVCO

Phil Resor, Earth and Environmental Sciences, Wesleyan University

Gareth Funning, Earth Sciences, University of California-Riverside


ITG GETS webinar Earthquakes 4_13_17 (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 36.2MB Apr13 17)

1) Welcome and introductory remarks - Rory McFadden, SERC staff

2) Overview of InTeGrate and GETSI Guiding Principles and development process – Beth Pratt-Sitaula

3) GPS, Strain, and Earthquakes module – Phil Resor

  • Using GPS measurements of ongoing deformation to study crustal strain and earthquake hazards and risks
  • Overview of module and examples of activities and student work

4) Imaging Active Tectonics with LiDAR and InSAR module – Gareth Funning

  • Using LiDAR and InSAR to better identify active landforms and characterize recent earthquakes to assess earthquake risk
  • Overview of module and walk-through of InSAR exercise

5) Reflections by participants

  • Prompt: How do you incorporate (or plan to incorporate) cutting-edge tools to strengthen your course that addresses earthquake hazards or crustal strain? What are some challenges to using these tools in your courses?
6) Questions and synthetic remarks

The convener will reflect on the chat provide a synthetic remark. The chat and final remarks will be discussed further in the InTeGrate discussion thread. This online interest group is aimed at providing you with a platform for continuing discussion and exchanging ideas with your new colleagues about addressing earthquake hazards with cutting-edge tools, as well as broader InTeGrate and GETSI principles.

7) Opportunities for further interaction – Rory McFadden

8) Webinar Evaluation


Click to watch the webinar screencast (MP4 Video 611.5MB Apr13 17).
