Teaching about Earth for a Sustainable Future: Materials for Faculty and Instructors

Classroom Tested, Peer Reviewed and Designed to Fit into Your Course

Support Sustainability Beyond the Classroom: Models for Department, Program or Institutional Changes

Lay the foundation for tomorrow's sustainability workforce at your institution.

Program Level Change: Strategies and Models »
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teaching for a sustainable future.

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From re-envisioned courses to campus initiatives to biology education consortiums educators are embracing and expanding InTeGrate's sustainability-focused vision for higher education.
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InTeGrate is a community program, a collaboration between faculty in the sciences and other disciplines, educational specialists, and evaluation experts at a diverse group of institutions. Attend a webinar, connect with colleagues or just sign up for our updates.
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Already engaged in the project? Find the materials related to your work in our area for team members.
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  • Upcoming Virtual EDDIE Workshop at AGU: Building Quantitative Literacy Through Science, Education, and Art

    Are you excited to support your students in developing skills for science and connecting with communities? Sign up for a workshop at the American Geophysical Union Meeting:Building Quantitative Literacy Through Science, Education, and Art! Democratize access to science by teaching inquiry with open data. Learn strategies from artists to support students in making cultural and community connections, or using science for advocacy.