Terms of Use

Initial Publication Date: February 12, 2013

Citing this Site

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Beery, T. (2012) Sustainable Urban Adventure, InTeGrate. Retrieved Jan 29, 2013, from http://serc.carleton.edu/integrate/workshops/sustainability2012/activities/beery.html

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We encourage the reuse and dissemination of the material on this site for noncommercial purposes as long as attribution is retained. To this end the material on this site is offered under a Creative Commons license Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0. unless otherwise noted. Any exceptions to this license are noted in the footer of each page where the reuse information is provided for all the files, images and other materials on that page are explained. Attribution should include at a minimum a link to the original material on the InTeGrate site and credit to the original author (see above for determining that information). In most cases including all the information in the citation format above is preferred.

Educational use of the material is generally 'noncommercial' and therefore allowed with the following exceptions:

  • You may not sell access to the material (or derivatives thereof) with one exception. You are allowed to include the material in a coursepack or similar form as long as:
    • it is intended only for use by students in a specific course or courses at your own educational institution
    • the cost of the coursepack is scaled to cover only the direct cost of reproduction (e.g. actual photocopying page costs)
  • Reproduction and distribution of originals or derivative works by for-profit educational institutions is considered commercial and not allowed under this default license.

InTeGrate is very open to exploring licensing options for use of this material beyond the scope of this license, including commercial use. If you are interested in using materials found on InTeGrate sites beyond the scope of this license (e.g within materials you will offer for sale). Please contact serc@carleton.edu.

If you believe that specific material on SERC sites has been posted in violation of copyright Carleton College has registered an agent for notification of claims of copyright infringement pursuant to Section 512(c) of the Copyright Act. Claims of copyright infringement.

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