Connecting Earth Science and Sustainability to Teach the NGSS

August 1 – 3, 2018
IslandWood, Bainbridge Island, WA
NOTE: This workshop has already taken place. Please visit the workshop synthesis page for a summary of key ideas, read essays submitted by the participants, and explore the pathways to performance expectations developed by workshop participants.
In the Next Generation Science Standards, the Earth sciences play a much more significant role than they have in past science standards. The disciplinary core ideas emphasize the interactions between Earth and human activity, and the concept of sustainability is prominent. How can learning about Earth and sustainability be incorporated into the diverse contexts of science teaching in our middle and high schools and districts? This workshop was for middle and high school science teachers seeking engaging, data-rich, and interdisciplinary instructional resources that are well-aligned to the NGSS and explore sustainability concepts and practices. Participants were actively and collaboratively involved not only in learning about a set of web-based, freely available resources developed by InTeGrate, but in developing supporting resources that will help them and their colleagues make better use of the materials in their teaching within their contexts.
Overview » Program » Participant Workspace »
Workshop Conveners:
Kathryn Baldwin, Eastern Washington University
Anne Egger, Central Washington University
Mitchell Awalt, Science Education Resource Center (SERC), Carleton College