
Results 1 - 10 of 35 matches

Teaching is Insufficient; Learning is also Insufficient.
Kim Kastens, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
Kim Kastens, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University Pre-workshop Essay for the Workshop on Earth Education for Sustainable Societies In episode 122 of Star Trek: Voyager, the character Seven of ...

Ecological Restoration as the Imperative to Societal Stability
Nancy Lee Wood, Bristol Community College
Nancy Lee Wood, Bristol Community College There are at least four critical areas needed to be developed to ensure, not only sustainability, but RESILIENCE, if we are to live in viable societies rooted in ...

Inspiring Action Across Diverse Audiences More A Set of Musings than an Action
Margie Turrin, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
Margie Turrin, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory Inspiring Action Across Diverse Audiences More A Set of Musings than an Action Last week I attended a workshop focused on developing an action plan for our region to ...

Earth Education for Sustainable Societies: A Middle School Interdisciplinary Perspective
Loris Chen
Loris J. Chen, Dwight D. Eisenhower Middle School Greta Thornberg, a 16-year-old Swedish climate activist, made headlines by sailing from Europe to New York City to speak at the United National Climate Action ...

From the hyper-local to global: UNAVCO's vision for sustainability in earth education
Beth Bartel, UNAVCO; Donna Charlevoix, EarthScope Consortium; Beth Pratt-Sitaula, EarthScope Consortium; Shelley Olds, EarthScope Consortium
Beth Bartel, Beth Pratt-Situala, Donna Charlevoix, and Shelley Olds, UNAVCO UNAVCO, a non-profit university consortium, operates the NSF's Geodetic Facility for the Advancement of Geoscience (GAGE). Beth ...

Focus on Energy Resources
Elizabeth Nagy, Pasadena City College
Elizabeth Nagy-Shadman, Pasadena City College It might be useful to bring the concept of energy to the forefront, maybe by establishing a standard introductory course, or create an entire major: B.S. in Earth ...

Wrestling with Choices - A Challenge for Schools
Chuck Buxbaum, Sandia Preparatory School
Chuck Buxbaum, PhD, Sandia Preparatory School I recently attended a Design Science Symposium at Rhode Island School of Design that made me consider the traditional departmental divisions in our education system ...

Joel Aquino, University of North Georgia / Hall County Schools
Joel S. Aquino, PhD Hall County Schools *, Univ of North Georgia**, Brenau Univ** and Piedmont College** I have been on both sides of the equation - mineral resource extraction and environmental impact studies. I ...

Where are the humanities?
PRAJUKTI Bhattacharyya, University of Wisconsin-Whitewater
PRAJUKTI BHATTACHARYYA, University of Wisconsin-Whitewater My first glimpse of geology came from the pages of an action-adventure book Night of Error by Desmond Bagley. It was a boring summer and I had just passed ...

Sustainable Futures Storytelling
Russanne Low, Institute for Global Environmental Strategies
Russanne D. Low, Institute for Global Environmental Strategies Emphasizing sustainability in our classrooms is a great way to build interest in Earth system sciences. Unlike climate change (and in some circles, ...