Description of the Evaluation of Workshop Participation and Informed Consent
As part of Earth Education for Sustainable Societies Workshop (DUE-1933699), an NSF-funded evaluation is being conducted to investigate the influence of the workshop on participants.
You will be invited to participate in surveys (e.g., daily roadchecks, end of workshop) designed to collect and investigate perceptions related to the workshop program.
There are no known risks associated with completing these surveys. Participation in the surveys are voluntary. You may discontinue your participation at any time.
You will be asked – but not required – to provide individually identifying information in the form of a name and an institutional email address. Your name and email address will be used to match your responses on the evaluation surveys with additional workshop surveys (application, registration,roadcheck, end of workshop). Names and email addresses will be replaced by the evaluator with codes and a datafile linking codes and email addresses will be stored in a separate, secure location. All evaluation findings will be presented in aggregate; your name or email address will not be linked to your responses.
If you have any questions about this survey, please contact Dr. Ellen Iverson, Evaluation Director the Science Education Resource Center (SERC), at The chair of the Institutional Review Board, Justin London, can be reached at Carleton College, Northfield, MN 55057. Phone: (507) 222-4397, email:
By clicking on the survey links and responding to the questions, you indicate your consent to participate in the evaluation.