Workshop Participants

The following people have been accepted to the workshop
Alan Benimoff, Engineering Science and Physics and the Masters program in Environmental Science, CUNY College of Staten Island
Activity: Hurricane Risk and Resilience for Staten Island, NY
Kelly Bringhurst, Physical Sciences, Dixie State College of Utah
Course: Introduction to Environmental Science
Real-world example: 30 Homes Lost, Lessons Learned from the 2005 Santa Clara Utah River Flood
Kyle Bryant, Superfund US EPA, Region 4
Real-world example: Emergency Support Functions & The Incident Command System
Marianne Caldwell, Math and Science, Hillsborough Community College
Activity: Hurricane Katrina Flooding Activity
Real-world example: Hurricane Storm Surge Hazards in West-central Florida
Mary Anne Carletta, Biological Sciences, Georgetown College
Activity: Using GIS to Map Emergency Response to Municipal Flooding
Course: Environmental Science and Policy
Real-world example: Adaptation to Drought Conditions
Robert Clayton, Geology, Brigham Young University - Idaho
Activity: Field Trip to Explore Local Natural Disasters
Course: Natural Disasters
Real-world example: Resilience: The Teton Dam Disaster of 1976
Lisa Doner, Environmental Science and Policy, Plymouth State University
Anne Egger, Geological Sciences, Central Washington University
Activity: Seismicity and Relative Risk
Ganapathy Pattukandan Ganapathy, Centre for Disaster Mitigation and Management, VIT University
Activity: Seismic Evaluation of Buildings
Real-world example: 2009 Disastrous Landslides in Nilgiris
Ana Garcia-Garcia, Earth Sciences, Monterey Peninsula College
Activity: Evaluating Rainfall, Landslides, and Weather: Big Sur, California
Real-world example: Locating the Epicenter of the 1994 Northridge Earthquake & Planning Ahead
Tej Gautam, Petroleum Engineering and Geology, Marietta College
Course: Environmental Hydrogeology
Real-world example: Acid Mine Drainage in Lower Salem, OH
Monica Gowan, Department of Health Sciences Research, Mayo Clinic
Activity: Developing student literacy on evolving concepts of risk and resiliency and emerging strategies for living with disaster uncertainty
Real-world example: Disaster Resilience 2015-2025: What will it look like in Cascadia?
Rebekah Green, Environmental Studies, Western Washington University
Activity: Developing a Multi-Hazard Mitigation Strategy
Course: Natural Hazards Planning
Real-world example: Landuse Planning in Landslide Country: The Washington State Oso Slide
Anne Hall, Department of Environmental Sciences, Emory University
Activity: Creating a Natural Disaster Blog/VoiceThread to Understand Resilience
Real-world example: Historic Flooding in Atlanta, September 2009
Jennifer Haney, Environmental, Geographical, and Geological Sciences, Bloomsburg University
Activity: Using a Town Meeting Scenario to Explore the Impacts of Hurricane Sandy
Real-world example: Flooding from Tropical Storm Lee in Columbia County, Pennsylvania
Carrie Helgeson Nelms, Geosciences, University of Arkansas Main Campus
Activity: Know Your Audience! Audience Analysis Exercise to Increase Audience Centered Communication and Teaching of Risk and Resilience
Real-world example: Land Locked Community Impacted From Sea Level Rise 6200 Miles Away: Teaching an Audience Centered Approach to Risk and Resilience in Environmental Displacement
Tatjana Hocke-Mirzashvili, School of Communication Studies, James Madison University
Activity: Family Stress Theories and Risk Communication to Evaluate and Build Family Resilience
Real-world example: Social Amplification of Risk Framework applied to Hurricane Katrina and Hurricane Rita
Eileen Johnson, Environmental Studies, Bowdoin College
Activity: Visualizing the Impact of Storm Surge and Sea Level Rise on Coastal Communities
Real-world example: Coastal Vulnerability in Rural Maine
David Kobilka, Geoscience, Central Lakes College-Brainerd
Activity: Comparison of Two Hurricanes
Real-world activity: New York City and Hurricane Sandy's Storm Surge
Eric Kremers, Emergency Management, Arkansas Tech University
Julie Lambert, Teaching and Learning, Florida Atlantic University
Real-world example: Key Biscayne: An Island Paradise in Jeopardy?
Pamela McMullin-Messier, Department of Sociology, Central Washington University
Course: Social Ecology
Real-world example: Hazards and Risks in Kittitas County
Adelle Monteblanco, Sociology, University of Colorado at Boulder
Course: Water and Society
Real-world example: Flood Risk in Boulder, Colorado
Andrew Moore, Geology, Earlham College
Activity: Looking for paleotsunami evidence: an example from Cultus Bay, Washington
Course: Geohazards
Real-world example: 10 March 2011; Parallels between northern Japan before the Great Eastern Japan earthquake and the Pacific Northwest of the United States
Lorraine Motola, Emergency & Disaster Management, Metropolitan College of New York
Course: Economics of Hazards & Disasters
Real-world example: Newtown Creek Superfund Site, Greenpoint, Brooklyn, New York
Corrie Neighbors, Earth Sciences, University of California, Riverside
Activity: Evaluating Natural Hazards Data to Assess the Risk to your California Home
Course: Natural Hazards and Disasters
Real-world example: Tsunami scenario affecting California coastal communities (USGS SAFRR project)
Carlos Nunez, GE - Environmental Science, Brown Mackie College-Miami
Katherine O'Neill, Environmental Studies, Roanoke College
Course: Resources and Risks: Humans and the Physical Environment
Michael Phillips, Natural Sciences & Business, Illinois Valley Community College
Activity: Using "Dante's Peak" to Discuss Response to Risk
Real-world example: Flooding in Ottawa, IL
Sian Proctor, Geology, South Mountain Community College
Activity: The Science of Disasters eTextbook Activity
Real-world example: Using the IPCC Report to Teach about Climate
Richard Rueb, Science, Clackamas Community College
Panagiotis Scarlatos, Civil, Environmental and Geomatics Engineering, Florida Atlantic UniversityActivity: Using the pH Scale and Carbonic Acid Formation to Understand the Effect of Ocean Acidification on Organisms with Calcium Carbonate Shells
Real-world example: Ocean Acidification and the West Coast of North America
Marc Settembrino, Sociology and Criminal Justice, Southeastern Louisiana University
Course: Vulnerable Populations & Disasters
Real-world example: Homeless Shelters Preparing for Hurricane Sandy
Charlene Sharpe, Geography, Rutgers University-New Brunswick
Activity: Usefulness of Google Earth/Wikimapia as Risk Predictor and Damage/Resilience Assessment Tools
Daniel Spandau, Risk Management, DJS Consulting
Activity: Sea Level Rise and Adaptation
Real-world example: Sea Level Rise and Adaptation
Patricia Stapleton, Social Science & Policy Studies, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Activity: Risk Assessment and Regulation in Christchurch, New Zealand
Real-world example: Earthquake Preparedness in Christchurch, New Zealand
Bill Stigliani, Center for Energy & Environmental Education, University of Northern Iowa
Activity: Calculating Resilience, Tipping Points, and Restoration for Lakes at Risk from Acid Rain
Real-world example: The Story of Big Moose Lake: Resilience, Tipping Point, and Restoration
Danielle Sumy, Earth Science and Petroleum Engineering, University of Southern California
Activity: The 2014 La Habra earthquake: Teaching Risk and Resilience in Southern California with Citizen Science
Real-world example: Induced Seismicity in the United States
Bruno Takahashi, School of Journalism and Department of Communication, Michigan State University
Activity: Developing a Risk Communication Strategy
Course: Risk Communication
Real-world example: Teaching Risk and Crisis Communication in the Context of Natural Disasters
Shimon Wdowinski, Marine Geology and Geophysics, University of Miami
Activity: Calculating Sea Level Changes
Carla Whittington, Physical Science (Geology Program), Highline Community College
Activity: Ground Shaking and Damage at Your House
Course: Geologic Catastrophes
Real-world example: Earthquake Scenarios: Evaluating Potential Ground Shaking and Damage
Jun Zhuang, Industrial and Systems Engineering, SUNY at Buffalo
Course: Decision Analysis
Real-world example: Finding a Partner in a Disaster
Guest Speakers
Mark Benthien, director for communication, education and outreach for the Southern California Earthquake Center (SCEC) and executive director of the Earthquake Country Alliance (ECA), University of Southern California
Keith Porter, consulting engineer, SPA Risk LLC
Nancy Gassman, Natural Resources Administrator, Broward County Natural Resources Planning and Management Division
Ricardo Alvarez, Hurricane risk expert, former Deputy Director International Hurricane Center, Research Affiliate Florida Center for Environmental Studies (CES)
Workshop Conveners and Staff
Leonard Berry, Florida Center for Environmental Studies
David Blockstein, National Council for Science and the EnvironmentReal-world example: Sea Level Rise and Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
Cathryn Manduca, Science Education Resource Center, Carleton College
Mantha Mehallis, Florida Atlantic University
John Taber, IRIS (Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology)
Monica Bruckner, Science Education Resource Center, Carleton CollegeReal-world example: Earthquake Risk in Southern California
Mary Beth Hartman, The Center for Environmental Studies, Florida Atlantic University
Alana Edwards, The Center for Environmental Studies, Florida Atlantic University