Initial Publication Date: April 14, 2014

Sea Level Rise and Adaptation

Daniel Spandau, DJS Consulting


Climate Change Preparedness in Boston -
Although Boston has been considering climate change impacts since the early 1990s, these efforts accelerated in 2009 when Mayor Thomas Menino convened the Climate Action Leadership Committee. Their recommendations (adopted by the Mayor in 2011) can be summarized as:
  • Climate adaptation is as important as climate mitigation.
  • Information on the effects of climate change is sufficient to start planning now, but flexibility and openness to new information are essential.
  • Climate adaptation must be thoroughly integrated into all planning and project review conducted by the City.
  • Climate adaptation is a responsibility of all members of the community and that special attention must be given to its most vulnerable members.

Individuals with expertise/responsibilities in the following areas have helped create the case study:
  • Private Sector
  • Business Owner
  • Home Owner
  • Public Officials
  • Local Politicians
  • State and Federal Politicians
  • Public Utilities

Key teaching points:
  • Complexity of designing a plan
  • Political roadblocks
  • Need to be a living document

How this example is used in the classroom:
Review SER plans that are available to understand how different communities are dealing with SER


The Boston Harbor Association
374 Congress Street, Suite 307
Boston, MA 02210
617-482-1722 x101 or x102

Supporting Files

SER - Boston Harbor Ass (Acrobat (PDF) 806kB Apr9 14)