Participant Materials

These materials (Essays, Teaching Activities, Course Descriptions, and Program Descriptions) were submitted by workshop participants and conveners. Use the facets at the right to narrow the view to a particular type of resource. You can also use the free text search to find a particular author or resource.

Results 1 - 10 of 28 matches

Youth and Law
Carla Lippett, Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University

Resource Type: Activities, Field Activity

Water Resources Lab
Michael Eyob, Florida International University

Resource Type: Activities:Lab Activity, Activities, Field Activity, Project

Richard David Gragg III Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University,

Resource Type: Activities, Writing Assignment

Fundamentals of Geospatial Information Systems
Reginald Archer, Tennessee State University

Resource Type: Course Information

Putting Sustainability into Action: Energy, Water and Food Nexus
Michael Eyob, Florida International University

Resource Type: Essays and Blog Posts

Putting Sustainability into Action at FAMU
Bakari McClendon, Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University

Resource Type: Essays and Blog Posts

The Village Community Garden and the introduction of new technology to advance farming practices
Eda Garcia, Fort Valley State University

Resource Type: Essays and Blog Posts

FAMU Cuba Study Abroad Program
Kwasi Densu, Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University

Resource Type: Program Description

Sustainable Development
Jjennifer Taylor, Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University

Resource Type: Essays and Blog Posts

How We REALLY LEARN GEOSCIENCE The Micro-Spiral Method (MSM)
Dr. Edith Davis, Florida Agricultural & Mechanical University

Resource Type: Essays and Blog Posts