Water Resources Lab

Michael Kiflai
Florida International University
Author Profile
Initial Publication Date: October 16, 2017


The Water Resources Lab is designed to supplement the Water Resources Lecture course. The Water Resources Lab introduce the commonly used procedures such as the physical, chemical, and biological methods of examination of water.The lab focus to expand on principles about water balance, groundwater flow and water quality.

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Learning Goals

The students will learn the main concept about water balance, groundwater flow and water quality. Students will learn how to collect water samples in a field, hydrologic data from archived databases and analyze the data. The activities from this class allows the students to make a quantitative and qualitative assessment of water. Hence, the students awareness increases about the wise use of water resources and this promote sustainability in to action.

Context for Use

This is course is designed for junior and senior environmental science students. The course incorporate field activity and laboratory work. Students who have taken some science courses can also register for this class.

Description and Teaching Materials

Protocols of a Monitoring Program (Microsoft Word 36kB Oct16 17)
Water Balance (Microsoft Word 2.4MB Oct16 17)
Stream Flow (Microsoft Word 37kB Oct16 17)
Lake Morphometry (Microsoft Word 401kB Oct16 17)
Hydraulic Conductivity (Microsoft Word 592kB Oct16 17)

Teaching Notes and Tips


References and Resources