Workshop Program
The workshop will take place in the The Carrie Meek-James N. Eaton, Sr. Southeastern Regional Black Archives Research Center and Museum
Thursday, October 26

4:00 - 4:45PM - Brandon Jones NSF Geosciences Program Director
- 'GEO Education & Diversity: An Overview'
Workshop Begins
5:00-6:30 PM – Welcome, Icebreaker and Dinner
- Richard Gragg & John Warford, InTeGrate HBCU Geosciences Working Group
- Icebreaker – Kabuya Bowens, EAT: Environmental ART-ACTION Topics
6:30-7:30 PM - Opening Plenary
- Workshop Goals & Agenda
- Kwasi Densu, FAMU Department of History and Political Science
- 'Principles for Sustainability in Action: Reflections on the FAMU Cuba Study Abroad Experience'
Friday, October 27
9:30-10:00 AM - Workshop Goals, Agenda, and Plan for the day: Richard Gragg and Cathy Manduca

- 1. Course level engagement with socio-ecological systems I - Addressing the issues from a social science lens (bring in natural sciences) - Room 122
- 2. Course level engagement with socio-ecological systems II - Addressing the issues from a natural science lens (bring in social sciences) - Room 105
- 3. Engaging students and community members in off-campus/ community-based experiences through courses - Gallery
10:00-11:10 AM Groups Discuss and document:
- 30 minutes: What is current practice?
- 30 minutes: What are effective practices, essential elements, common pitfalls?
- 10 minutes: What are the challenges and opportunities in this area?
11:10-11:30 AM Reviewing and Commenting on draft pages; Whole group discussion
11:30 AM-12:00 PM Groups 1-3 reflect on feedback and refine their pages
12:00-2:00 PM Lunch Tour of FAMU
- 12:00-1:00 PM Lunch and Bruce Strouble and Bakari McClendon, FAMU Sustainability Institute
- 'Putting Sustainability Into Action at FAMU'
- 1:00-2:00 PM Tour of FAMU

- 4. Coordinated efforts that cut across multiple courses in the same or different departments - Room 122
- 5. Coordinated campus-level initiatives focused on the link between campus sustainability programs and the curriculum - Room 105
- 6. Extracurricular/Co-curricular programs focused on sustainability activities (e.g. Undergraduate research, conferences, campus and regional activities, internships...) - Gallery
2:00-3:10 PM Groups Discuss and document:
- 30 minutes: What is current practice?
- 30 minutes: What are effective practices, essential elements, common pitfalls?
- 10 minutes: What are the challenges and opportunities in this area?
3:10-3:30 PM Reviewing and Commenting on draft pages; Whole group discussion
3:30-4:30 PM All six groups reflect on feedback and refine their pages
- 30 minutes: Working Groups 4-6
- 30 minutes: All Groups
4:30-4:45 PM Wrap up the day and Daily Roadcheck John McDaris and John Warford
6:00 PM Dinner at Nefetari's Fine Cuisine and Spirits
Saturday, October 28
8:30-11:00 AM Skills workshops: Cathy Manduca, Hannah Scherer and Gary Weissmann
Two concurrent sessions aimed at strengthening sustainability courses and programs.
- Strengthening courses (Hannah Scherer) - Room 105
- Strengthening programs (Gary Weissmann) - Gallery
11:00 AM-1:00 PM Finishing the Guide - each group will have 1/2 of its members involved in the revision page to allow simultaneous completion of both rounds
12:00-1:00 PM Working Lunch
1:00-2:00 PM Closing session: Richard Gragg, John Warford, Cathy Manduca and John McDaris
- Research Project
- What are we doing with the guide to promote use?
- Faculty/ teachers are expected to show continuous improvement and how they are connecting the university to community
- For pre-service teachers: Portable/ tangible guide that graduates can take with them into the world - something they can show administrators to showcase their practice
- Build a community around new, emerging ideas and resources
- Link to other professional societies - through people who are involved
- What is the pitch?
- On-campus dissemination - e.g. FAMU Sustainability Institute, Department level efforts
- Can build critical mass - branch out from this workshop
- Webinar that showcases how the guide is being used by HBCU participants
- Build guide into book chapter, could then include chapter submissions from individuals that expand on what we've started here
- Webinar with the HBCU working group
- get them to comment on the draft to strengthen it
- Individuals go out to their sphere of influence to promote and disseminate
- Invite folks to Webinar
- Invite participation
- HBCU presence at the Earth Educators' Rendezvous
- HBCU working group moving into the future
- Meeting at the Rendezvous
- Working to build into something more formal and sustainable
- Forming leadership team
- What other collective steps are needed?
- Getting ideas from the group into the guide
- Getting other ideas from HBCUs into the guide - grounding in env sci/ sustainability
- End of Workshop Evaluation