Initial Publication Date: October 19, 2017

FAMU Cuba Study Abroad Program

Jump Down To: Context | Sustainability and Action | Design and Assessment | Courses and Sequencing | Additional Materials and Information


Interdisciplinary, alternative Spring Break study abroad program to Cuba. Extension of a course on Afro Cuba and Sustainability given in the Fall semester. Students come from a variety of disciplinary backgrounds.

Sustainability and Action

Attracting New Students

Engaging with Sustainability

Moving to Action

Design and Assessment

  • Design Impetus -
  • Program-Level Learning Goals -
  • Graduate Career Preparation -
  • Other Careers -
  • Program Assessment -

Courses and Sequencing

Entry Courses

Core Courses




Other Key Features

Addition Materials and Information

FAMU Cuba Study Abroad Program (Acrobat (PDF) 42.4MB Oct19 17)