Workshop Program

Supporting Student Success in Geoscience at Two-year Colleges

Wednesday, July 17, 2013, Sadler Center, Tidewater A & B

5:30-6:00 Reception

6:00 Dinner

7:00-8:30 Welcome, workshop goals, introductions, evening program

Thursday, July 18, 2013

7:00-8:00 Breakfast, Jamestown North Dorm

8:30-8:40 Introductions and overview of day, Sadler Center, Tidewater A

8:40-10:10 A dean's perspective on student success (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 8.1MB Jul19 13) - David Douglas, Pasadena City College

10:10-10:30 Break, Tidewater B

10:30-11:50 Working with diverse students: Stereotype threat and solo status (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 515kB Jul18 13) - Cheryl Dickter and Anne Charity Hudley, College of William & Mary; Christine Mallinson, University of Maryland Baltimore-County

12:00-1:00 Lunch, Tidewater B

1:00-1:50 Working with various student populations: Research results and implications for teaching geoscience (concurrent sessions)

2:00-2:50 Working with various student populations: Research results and and implications for teaching geoscience (concurrent sessions)

2:50-3:10 Break, Tidewater B

3:10-5:10 Teaching for student success (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 1.5MB Jul18 13) - Cathy Manduca, Science Education Resource Center, Carleton College

5:10-5:30 Daily road check and reflection

Evening: Dinner in town 

Friday, July 19, 2013, Alumni House

7:00-8:00 Breakfast, Jamestown North Dorm

8:30-8:40 Overview of day, daily road check report, Leadership Hall, Alumni House

8:40-9:50 Helping students learn to learn (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 6.1MB Jul19 13) - Kaatje Kraft, Mesa Community College, and David McConnell, North Carolina State University

9:50-10:10 Break, Alumni House, Leadership Hall Lobby

10:10-12:00 Helping students learn to learn and other strategies for supporting student success: Table discussions

12:00-1:00 Lunch, Alumni House, Pollard Room

1:00-1:45 Why quantitative skills are so hard to teach and what we can do about it (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 1.7MB Jul19 13) - Eric Baer, Highline Community College

1:45-2:30 The geoscience classroom as a group: Applying theory and research from group and social psychology (PowerPoint 757kB Jul18 13) - Bob Blodgett, Austin Community College

2:30-2:50 Break, Alumni House, Leadership Hall Lobby

2:50-4:30 Strategies for student success working groups

Instructions (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 95kB Jul19 13)

Each group will create a document that includes the issue being addressed, its significance, references to the research base, key strategies and examples of how to use these strategies in geoscience and how to use these strategies in 2YCs, and implementation and assessment strategies.

4:30-5:30 Review and revision of working group materials

5:30-5:45 Daily road check and reflection

7:00 Dinner (with option of informal discussion groups after dinner), Alumni House, Pollard Room

Saturday, July 20, 2013, Alumni House

7:00-8:00 Breakfast, Jamestown North Dorm

8:30-8:40 Daily overview, results of daily road check

8:40-9:30 The importance of the first-year experiences: Insights from research (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 431kB Jul19 13) - Jan Hodder, University of Oregon and Heather Macdonald, College of William & Mary

9:30-10:30 Working groups

10:30-10:45 Break, Alumni House, Leadership Hall Lobby

10:45-11:30 Review of working group documents (electronic review)

11:30-12:00 Working groups finalize reports

12:00-1:00 Lunch, Alumni House, Pollard Room

1:15-2:00 What have we learned about supporting student success and teaching all students?

2:00-3:00 Planning for the future: Individual action plans (Action Plan Template (Microsoft Word 22kB Jul20 13))

3:00-3:20 Break, Alumni House, Leadership Hall Lobby

3:20-3:50 Revise and Submit individual action plans

3:50-5:00 Collective wisdom: What have we learned, project and group next steps, local and regional workshops

5:00-5:30 Workshop evaluation

7:00 Dinner, Nawab Indian Cuisine Restaurant, 204 Monticello Avenue, Monticello Shopping Center