Supporting the Academic Success of All Students
These pages were developed by Tania Anders (Southern California 2), Pete Berquist (Virginia), Karen Braley (Florida), Rick Glover (Western Washington), Mel Johnson (Wisconsin), Adrianne Leinbach (North Carolina), and David Voorhees (Illinois).
Supporting the academic success of all students requires scalable strategies for meeting students at their level of preparation and moving them forward in their courses and programs. Curricular design and pedagogic choices have direct effects that can be measured in student data such as retention and success rates. In addition, courses in which students are successful tend to be more popular that those where students struggle to learn or pass.
(Re)Design your Course/Curriculum
The design of courses and curricula have significant impacts on student success. Applying backward design principles and active learning strategies promotes the alignment of student learning with faculty course goals.
Involve Students in Immersive Experiences
Immersive experiences such as learning in the field, place-based learning, and conducting research provide students with context to use as a framework to support their learning.
Teach Students How to Learn
Helping students understand how people learn, in general and in their particular case, can yield significant benefits in their academic success.
Use Student Data to Evaluate Success
Approach improving your courses and programs with the same spirit of inquiry you would bring to a new research project. Gather data at the appropriate levels to help you determine whether or not your interventions are being successful.
Share Experiences and Successes
Communicating and sharing experiences, opportunities, challenges, and successes with colleagues within and across disciplines is a powerful way to spread effective practices.