Participant Checklist

To help you prepare for the workshop, we ask that you do several things in advance. Here's a list of those preparatory activities and their deadlines. If you find that your plans have changed and you are not able to attend the workshop, please let us know as soon as possible as we have a wait list for the workshop.

By May 14:

  • Make your travel plans for the workshop. Please read through the logistics page prior to making arrangements for your travel - it gives information about arrival and departure times as well as details about obtaining plane tickets. Make your plans so that you can attend the entire workshop. If you are flying, you will need to know your flight information prior to registering.
  • Complete the Travel Information form so that we know when and how you are traveling to and from the workshop.
  • Register for the workshop.

By June 10:

  • Submit a one-page essay to support geoscience student success in two-year colleges. The essays will be posted on the SAGE 2YC website.
Essay Instructions

We ask each participant in this workshop to write a short essay describing what you are currently doing to support geoscience student success in two-year colleges. This essay could focus on instructional approaches, support structures, programs, activities within courses, activities beyond courses, your curriculum, or other related topics. The purpose of this essay is to introduce your work to other participants. These essays will become part of the public website and will be posted on the SAGE 2YC website. We expect your essay to be a strong piece of writing sharing a few important ideas that you think will be of high interest to the other participants, rather than a list of all of the ways that you work to support student success.

In addition to the description, we expect that your essay will include:

  • The goal(s) of the work you describe and how it supports student success
  • The strengths of your work and its most valuable aspect
  • The challenges you have had in implementation
  • Any evidence of the effectiveness of this work

Essays should be no longer than one page. On the top of that page, include a descriptive title for your essay followed by your name, title, institution (including your department name, if relevant). You will be asked to read all of these essays prior to the workshop, so your colleagues will appreciate brevity and clarity. If there are references or websites that are important for your work, please list them at the end of the essay. Please proofread your essay, as we will not do that for you, and name the file yourlastname_essay (e.g., Macdonald_essay.docx).

Prior to the workshop:

  • Read all of the submitted essays. (Acrobat (PDF) 2.1MB Jul5 13) We will send you a single pdf file of all the essays prior to the workshop.
  • Create a SERC account if you don't already have one; it's quick, easy, and free and you'll need it during the workshop. Please use the email address you receive workshop communications to, as access to the workshop pages will be based on this email address.
  • Bring a laptop. We will use them in several of the workshop sessions.

Following the workshop:

  • File for your travel reimbursement if necessary.

Christy Bennett
College of William and Mary
Department of Geology
P.O. Box 8795
Williamsburg, VA 23187-8795