Geological Society of America Annual Meeting Short Course 508
Helping Students Succeed in Geoscience Courses at Two-Year Colleges
Program | Participants
A short course and workshop coordinated by Eric M.D. Baer and Robert H. Blodgett, co-sponsored by NAGT and COSEE, and part of the SAGE 2YC program which is funded by the National Science Foundation. This course was held on Saturday, October 26, 2013 in Denver, Colorado. It brought together two-year college (2YC) faculty and other educators to share successful approaches, strategies, and programs for working with all students, both in and outside the classroom. Participants learned how recent research on student learning, group interaction, and instruction can help support student success. Because no two 2YCs are alike, the workshop addressed a range of research-supported techniques and strategies for adaptation to local needs.
Questions? Contact Eric Baer ( or Bob Blodgett (