Geological Society of America Annual Meeting Short Course 507
Best Practices for Preparing Workforce and Transfer Students in Two-Year Colleges for Geoscience Careers
A short course and workshop coordinated by Eric Baer and Bob Blodgett, co-sponsored by NAGT and COSEE, and part of the SAGE 2YC project which is funded by the National Science Foundation. This course will be from 8:00 am to 4:00 pmon Saturday, November 3, 2012 in Charlotte, North Carolina.Participants will explore successful 2YC college transfer and geotechnical workforce programs and practices, effective student research and internship programs, and geoscience career resources for two-year college (2YC) students and faculty. Discussion will also include strategies for easily and effectively incorporating career information and professional skills into introductory geoscience courses. The course will be valuable for faculty and administrators from two-year colleges and from four-year colleges and universities who desire effective 2YC transfer programs, as well as representatives from professional organizations and employers.
Please follow these steps if you would like to attend the course:
1. You must first register and pay a fee through the The Geological Society of America; Fees vary depending on whether you attend the Annual Meeting and Exposition which immediately follows the course or will attend the workshop as a stand-alone event. Your registration fee includes a boxed lunch.
2. Complete a questionnaire to help us adapt course content for the participants.
Questions? Contact Eric Baer ( or Bob Blodgett (