Getting Ready to Pilot
(Setting Up and Collecting Data)
Thursday, January 7, 2016
Leader: Monica Bruckner
9:00 am Pacific | 10:00 am Mountain | 11:00 am Central | 12:00 pm Eastern
This event has already taken place. See the resources below.
This webinar is aimed at InTeGrate Materials Developers and those implementing materials as part of the InTeGrate project, and offers a refresher on what is involved in piloting your materials in the classroom. Join us to learn about how to set up your course 'dashboard,' what assessments need to be collected and when, where to send your data, and more.
At the end of this webinar, participants will be able to...
- Know how to set up their pilot for data collection, including what needs to be done in terms of IRB and materials review, before piloting can take place
- Know what data needs to be collected, how it should be collected, and when
- Understand how to utilize their course status page as a 'dashboard' for their pilot/testing
- Know where to document the piloting experience and how to use that information in your revisions
Time - 9:00 am Pacific | 10:00 am Mountain | 11:00 am Central | 12:00 pm Eastern
Duration - 1 hour
Format - Online web presentation via Adobe Connect web conference software with questions and discussion.
Registration - This event has already taken place. See below for the recording and presentation slides.
Preparation - There is no advance preparation required for this webinar.
Please email Monica Bruckner (mbruckne AT if you have any questions about this event.
Monica Bruckner is part of the webteam and evaluation team at SERC. She is the Webteam liaison for InTeGrate materials authors and works with other SERC staff to provide support for the mechanics of material development and in data collection when materials are implemented in the classroom.Resources
View the Presentation Slides (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 3.5MB Jan7 16)
Helpful Links
For InTeGrate-developed Course and Module Authors:
For Implementation Program Participants:
- The Materials Development Timeline provides guidance to authors on requirements in terms of materials review and timing prior to piloting.
- The Collecting Data in the Classroom page outlines the steps involved with piloting and testing materials and includes links to important documents.
- Course set up form for materials authors
- GLE instructions - 8 MC questions and essays
For InTeGrate Research Team Members:
- The Implementation Programs Testing InTeGrate Materials and Data Collection page outlines the steps involved with testing materials and includes links to important documents.
- Course set up form for implementation program participants
- GLE instructions - 8 MC questions and essays
General Information for Everyone
- The Data Collection Instructions page outlines the steps involved with piloting and testing materials and includes links to important documents.
- Course set up form
- GLE instructions - 16 MC questions and essays
- Learn how to use your course status page as a dashboard for your pilot/testing.
- Access Forms and Documents related to your pilot/testing - these resources may be helpful to utilize when getting your IRB approval.