Monica Bruckner

Initial Publication Date: September 16, 2022

Science Education and Evaluation Associate

Science Education Resource Center- Carleton College
mbruckne at

I am part of the webteam and evaluation teams at SERC. As part of the webteam, I work with project PIs and workshop leaders to support projects, workshops, and virtual events from the planning stages, at events themselves, and into the follow-up. We also work on getting project and workshop outcomes and materials more broadly disseminated by creating new web content. These websites are designed to share the best ideas from the project or workshop with a wider audience, and particularly to support faculty in adapting strong pedagogical practices in their teaching.

We also work with partner projects to help them use the web editing tools (what we call Serckit) to get their work up and available to the public. Sometimes this involves authoring pages ourselves, and other times, we're setting up web space for them and answering questions they have about formatting and using Serckit.

As part of the evaluation team, I am involved with project evaluation, which includes website usability studies, exploring project effectiveness, learning about trends in geoscience education, and the like.


My background is in Earth Science, with a focus on glacial geology and hydrology. I also have a strong interest in ecology and environmental studies. In addition, I have a passion for teaching and for public outreach with science education. Working with SERC has been a wonderful asset to learning new pedagogies and about how students learn.

I began working with SERC in 2005 as a research assistant for Dave Mogk while pursuing my Master's degree at Montana State University. My initial work was with developing informational web pages for the Microbial Life Educational Resources project, including topics such as The Gulf of Mexico Dead Zone and Red Tide and primers on techniques such as Ion Chromatography and Measuring pH and Electrical Conductivity. My position at SERC became full time in July of 2009 as a web content developer and evaluation assistant. I've been involved with several of the large projects supported by SERC, including On the Cutting Edge and InTeGrate, and now work across the SERC-partner project sites and events. I am eager at the opportunity to continue to learn more about teaching, education research, and evaluation.

My background with science education has included tutoring, TAing, and an NSF GK-12 fellowship teaching 4th graders about my Master's degree research and climate change for two years. I have enjoyed all of these experiences greatly and hope to pursue similar opportunities in the future.


  • M.S. Earth Sciences, Montana State University, Bozeman, MT, 2008.
    Focus: Glacial systems, hydrology, biogeochemistry.
  • B.A. Geology, with distinction. Augustana College, Rock Island, IL, 2005.
    Minors: Biology and Environmental Studies.


Mogk, D.W., Bruckner, M.Z. 2020. Geoethics training in the Earth and environmental sciences . Nat Rev Earth Environ,

Egger, A.E., Bruckner, M.Z., Birnbaum, S.J., Gilbert, L.A. (2019). Facilitating the Development of Effective Interdisciplinary Curricular Materials . In: Gosselin, D., Egger, A., Taber, J. (eds) Interdisciplinary Teaching About Earth and the Environment for a Sustainable Future. AESS Interdisciplinary Environmental Studies and Sciences Series. Springer, Cham.

Viskupic, K., Ryker, K., Teasdale, R., Manduca, C., Iverson, E., Farthing, R., Bruckner, M., McFadden, R., 2019. Classroom Observations Indicate the Positive Impacts of Discipline-Based Professional Development ( This site may be offline. ) ,
Journal for STEM Education Research

Teasdale, R., Viskupic, K., Bartley, J., McConnell, D., Manduca, C., Bruckner, M., Farthing D., and Iverson, E., 2017. A multidimensional assessment of reformed teaching practice in geoscience classrooms ( This site may be offline. ) , Geosphere, Vol. 13, no. 2, pp. 608-627.

Mogk, D., Geissman, J., and Bruckner, M., 2016. Teaching Geoethics Across the Geoscience Curriculum: Why, When, What, How, and Where? Scientific Integrity and Ethics in the Geosciences? A Handbook and History, American Geophysical Union, pp. 200

O'Connell, K., Bruckner, M.Z., Manduca, C.A., and Gosselin, D.C., 2015 (online publication date). Supporting Interdisciplinary Teaching about the Earth with the InTeGrate Website, Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences, Vol. 6, pp. 354.

Bruckner, Monica, Engaging Students in Learning: Examples from the SERC Sites, In the Trenches, Vol. 3, No. 3, July 2013.

Manduca, Cathryn A., David W. Mogk, Barbara Tewksbury, R. Heather Macdonald, Sean P. Fox, Ellen R. Iverson, Karin Kirk, John McDaris, Carol Ormand, and Monica Bruckner, 2010. SPORE: Science Prize for Online Resources in Education: On the Cutting Edge: Teaching Help For Geoscience Faculty: Science, v. 327, no. 5969, pp. 1095-1096.

Selected Presentations

Boyd, K., Gold, A., Niepold, F., Lynds, S., Morton, A., Bruckner, M., Manning, C.L.B., Chandler, P., Ledley, T.S. and Kirk, K., 2019. The Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness Network (CLEAN) AGU Fall Meeting, (San Francisco, CA)

Boyd, K., Gold, A., Niepold, F., Taylor, J., Lynds, S., Fox, S., Bruckner, M., Kirk, K., Manning, C., Morton, A. and Ledley, T., 2019. The Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness Network (CLEAN), Earth Educator's Rendezvous, (Nashville, Tennessee).

Bruckner M., Mogk D., Hochella M., Ranville J., O'Connell K., and Sheriff, K., 2019. Nanotechnology in STEM: Incorporating nanotechnology across the geoscience curriculum, Earth Educators' Rendezvous, (Nashville, Tennessee).

Bruckner, M., Manduca, C., Fox, S., Iverson, E., O'Connell, K., Sheriff, K., Egger, A., November 2018. Engaging Students Understanding Earth in the Context of Societal Issues through the InTeGrate Teaching Materials GSA Annual Meeting (Indianapolis, IN).

Bruckner, M., Manduca, C.A., McDaris, J., and Orr, C.H., July 2018. Supporting Interdisciplinary Teaching about the Earth for a Sustainable Future through the InTeGrate Project, Earth Educators' Rendezvous (Lawrence, KS).

Ledley, T.S., Gold, A.U., Niepold, F., Taylor, J., Kirk, K., Bruckner, M. and Fox, S., 2018. Invited: Using the CLEAN Collection to Build Three-Dimensional Lessons to Teach the Climate System, Goldschmidt Abstracts (Boston, MA).

Mogk D, Hochella M, Ranville J and Bruckner M., 2018. Resources for Teaching Nanoscience Across the Geoscience Curriculum, Goldschmidt Abstracts (Boston, MA).

Orr, C.H., H. Scherer, C. Forbes, M. Bruckner. 2018. Teaching About Food, Water and Energy in the Context of Sustainability: Opportunities and Connections with the InTeGrate STEP Center. Poster. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, Washington D.C.