Resources and References

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Results 1 - 10 of 52 matches

A Model for the Development and Implementation of Field Trips as an Integral Part of the Science Curriculum
Nir Orion
In this paper, Orion summarizes what we know from the literature about designing effective field trips for high school students, including the challenges and barriers to success. The model he ...

Earth Science Puzzles: Making Meaning From Data
Kim A. Kastens, Margie Turrin
This book is a collection of data-rich activities for use in the high school earth science classroom. In addition, there is an introduction that places the exercises in the context of the critical ...

NSTA Position Statement: The Nature of Science

The NSTA Nature of Science position statement aims to create a common, accurate view of the nature and process of science.

Visionlearning Library

At Visionlearning, we've developed a set of peer-reviewed materials for learning science including modular readings, interactive multimedia, and a glossary - all available for free on the web in ...

Learning in the Field: Synthesis of research on thinking and learning in the geosciences
David W. Mogk and Charles Goodwin
This paper begins by addressing practical wisdom that has been drawn from anecdotal reports of learning in the field contributed by geoscience faculty. It then outlines the following attributes of ...

Geoscience and geoscientists: Uniquely equipped to study Earth
C. A. Manduca, K. A. Kastens
This paper introduces the GSA Special Paper Earth and Mind II, and provides an introduction to the common approaches, techniques, perspectives, and values that geoscientists use. This is an excellent ...

Earth and Mind II: A Synthesis of Research on Thinking and Learning in the Geosciences
Kim A. Kastens, Cathy Manduca
(from the GSA website) This volume explores the distinctive ways in which geoscientists use the human senses and mind to perceive, analyze, and explain the workings of the Earth system, and then ...

Geoscience Reporting Guidelines
Brian Grant
This 350+ page report covers the A-Z of report writing in the geosciences. It provides a great deal of information on how to write in the geoscience for different purposes. It also provides ...

Communicating Rocks: Writing, Speaking, and Thinking About Geology
Peter Copeland
This is a student-oriented, thin textbook for written and oral communication in the geosciences. It includes a good 'problem words and concepts'; section that is highly specific to ...

On the persistence of unicorns: The tradeoff between content and critical thinking revisited
Craig E. Nelson
This is a follow-up to Craig Nelson's earlier piece ('Skewered on the unicorn's horn,' published in 1989) that describes how to deal with the perceived trade-off in courses ...