Course descriptions for teaching geoscientific thinking
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Course Type
Teacher Preparation
Results 1 - 10 of 26 matches
Cindy Shellito, University of Northern Colorado
This course introduces students to the methods of paleoclimatology and provides a survey of major climatic events over the history of the Earth. The course incorporates journal articles and web resources to teach ...
Advanced Structural Geology
Kim Hannula, Fort Lewis College
This is an advanced course in structural geology, including discussion and lab. The course is focused around exploration of structural geology modeling software.
Physical Geology Laboratory
Beth Dushman, Howard Community College
This page describes a freshman-level Physical Geology Laboratory class taught at a community college. This course covers basic Earth processes (streams, tectonics, groundwater) and Earth materials (minerals and ...
Advanced Field Geology
Steve Reynolds, Arizona State University at the Tempe Campus
This is a field-based course, taught during four weekends, spread out over the semester. Each trip generally visits a different locality in order to expose students to diverse types of geology, everything from ...
Sedimentary Geology
James Ebert, SUNY College at Oneonta
James Ebert, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, SUNY College at Oneonta.This page is a supplement to the original course description found hereShort description of the course:Field-based research projects can be the ...
Geoscience Fundamentals
Barbara Bekken, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State Univ
Geoscience Fundamentals is a workshop-style course that introduces sophomore-level geoscience majors to very basic philosophical, methodological, and historical foundations of the geosciences. As described in the ...
Teaching the Geology of the Pacific Northwest
Anne Egger, Central Washington University
This course is for Earth science teaching majors, general science teaching majors, and anyone who is interested in both the geology of the Pacific Northwest and how to teach. We explore broad themes in Earth ...
Introduction to Geology
Sean Cornell, Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania
The course covers basic concepts in geology and engages students in hands-on, learning activities integrated with lecture and field experiences. Small group lab activities (mineral identification, rock ...
Dave Mogk, Montana State University-Bozeman
Dave Mogk, Montana State University.This page is a supplement to the original course description found hereShort description of the course:Introduction to mineralogy includes the following topics: hand sample ...
Field studies, Central California
Becca Walker, Mt. San Antonio College
Field studies of Central California is an introductory field geology course for community college students. Students meet for 3 hours per week of lecture, take one 4-day field trip to the Eastern Sierras to study ...