Pay any needed fees for field trip participation or single occupancy room upgrade.
By Monday, May 7:
Submit a 1-3 page essay for publication on the website. We ask that each participant write a short essay providing an overview of your approach to or your insights into teaching the
methods of geoscience. It could be based on your experience teaching
the methods, your research about the methods or teaching the methods of geoscience, or your experience using the methods in your geoscience research. The essays will be posted on the workshop website and become part of the InTeGrate resource collections. We will use these essays to prepare for discussions at the workshop.
Submit a teaching activity and a course description that showcase the ways in which you teach about the methods of geoscience. If you have already submitted courses and/or activities to the SERC
collection that would be appropriate here, you may submit an activity supplement or a course supplement to highlight how the activity and/or course addresses the methods of geoscience
Optional: Contribute any other resource (reference, visualization, etc.)
By Monday, May 14
Submit your travel plans. For more information on travel, lodging, ground transportation and meals see the logistics page. Make your plans so that you can attend the entire workshop. Please note that traveling to and from Bozeman in the summertime can be difficult due to the high tourist volume so it is wise to make your arrangements early.
By Thursday, May 24
Fill out the program input form to help the convener team decide which cross-cutting themes in teaching the methods of geoscience that you would like to hear more about.
Before the workshop:
Create a SERC account if you don't already have one. You will need to have an account to complete the next two items below.
Create a bio and upload a photo in your SERC profile page. We will use these to get to know one another.
Complete the pre-workshop reading in preparation for Wednesday evening's opening discussion (you must be logged in to your SERC account to access this reading)
Plan to bring your laptop. We will use them throughout the workshop.
Download the Medical Emergency Information Form, complete it, and bring it with you to the workshop in a sealed envelope. We will open the envelope and read the form only in the case of a medical emergency during the workshop.