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Workshops and Webinars
Teaching the Methods of Geoscience
Contribute an Activity Supplement
Contribute an Activity Supplement
Use this form ONLY to supplement an activity sheet that already exists on the SERC site. With this form, you can emphasize how the activity already incorporates the methods of geoscience, or how it might be modified to include the methods of geoscience. For a new activity that addresses the methods of geoscience, please use the
Activity Submission Form
(opens in a new window)
Title of the original activity:
Your name:
Enter your email address:
Name of original activity author:
Give a short description of the activity itself. This can be drawn directly from the activity sheet.
URL of original activity:
How does this activity lend itself to teaching the methods of geoscience?
Describe why you think this is a good activity for teaching the methods of geoscience. This section should engage the reader in such a way that they are motivated to make the specific adaptations you propose below and can see why they would be a good idea.
Specific adaptations
In this section, list the specific adaptations you would make to the activity in sufficient detail so that someone else could make them.
Describe how you would modify or add to the activity assessment in order to focus on their understanding of the methods of geoscience.
Teaching for Sustainability
Program Design
Get Involved
Workshops and Webinars
Teaching Sustainability in an Interdisciplinary First-Year Seminar
Strengthening Geoscience Competency for HBCU Pre-Service Teachers Workshop
Pan-African Approaches to Teaching Geoscience
Putting Sustainability into Action workshop
Teaching About Earth Online Workshop
Teaching about Soils as a Critical Resource: Materials and Activities for your Classroom
Colorado’s Changing Energy Portfolio
Expanding the Impact of InTeGrate Projects
InTeGrate Modules for 2YC Classrooms
Program-Scale InTeGrate Materials for 2YCs
Coastal Hazards, Risk, and Environmental Justice
Introduction to InTeGrate Modules
Broadening Access to the Earth and Environmental Sciences
Teaching about Risk and Resilience
Engineering, Sustainability, and the Geosciences
Teaching Environmental Justice: Interdisciplinary Approaches
Geoscience and the 21st Century Workforce
Programs that Bring Together Geoscience and Sustainability
Teaching the Methods of Geoscience
Workshop Outcomes
Participant List
Activity Collection
Course Collection
Essay Collection
Systems, Society, Sustainability and the Geosciences
Adapting InTeGrate Modules for Biology Courses and Online Courses
Addressing Critical Issues in Your Community: Examples for Introductory Courses
Addressing Earthquake Hazards with Lidar, GPS, and InSAR in Upper-level Undergraduate Courses
Addressing Energy Sources and their Impact on the Environment
Addressing Food Security in Your Course
Addressing Landslide Hazards in Introductory Undergraduate Courses
Addressing Water Resources and Sustainability in Upper-level Undergraduate Courses
Assessing the Impact of InTeGrate Materials in Introductory Environmental Science and Botany Courses
Communicating Science to a Broad Audience: Social Media for You and Your Students
Connecting Earth Science and Sustainability to Teach the NGSS
Connecting Science to Issues of Justice in your Course
Context Diversity: A New Paradigm for Equity and Inclusion in Higher Education
Core Competencies for Sustainability Education Programs
Critical Zone Science: A transdisciplinary approach to environmental science
Departmental Climate and GeoEthics
Designing Activities for Effective Online Teaching
Developing Graduate Students Teaching Capacity with InTeGrate Teaching Materials
Developing Students Data Skills
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the Earth and Environmental Sciences: Supporting the Success of All Students
Earth Education for a Sustainable Future: Supporting departments and programs through InTeGrate
Earth Education for Sustainable Societies
Educating Skillful Visualizers
Engaging Environmental Justice in Geoscience Courses
Exploring ways to make the InTeGrate Mineral Resources module your own
Fostering Systems Thinking in Your Students
Helping your department or program to survive and thrive in the changing world of higher education
Improving Climate Literacy Through your Undergraduate Course
Incorporating Environmental Data-Driven Inquiry and Exploration in Your Course
Integrating Earth Literacy with Societal Issues
Integrating Energy, Earth and Environmental Education
Integrating GPS, SfM, and TLS into geoscience field courses
Integrating Hazards and Societal Impact into Your Course
Interdisciplinary Teaching and Sustainability
Interdisciplinary Teaching: Building Sustainability into your Non-Science Class
Introduction to InTeGrate: How to incorporate the classroom materials into your courses
Introductory Integrate-rich Physical Geology course
Lessons Learned from InTeGrate’s Materials Development Program and What Remains Undone
Making Change Happen at your Institution
Moving sustainability forward through community partnerships, collaborative initiatives, and earth advocacy
Ocean Sustainability
Pathways to performance expectations using InTeGrate materials
Preparing Your Students for Environmental Careers
Spring-Summer 2015 Webinars
Students as Bridges between Disciplines and Across Campus for Sustainability
Supporting All Students Through Active Learning
Sustainability Across the Curriculum
Sustainability in a Campus Food System
Sustainable Solutions to Societal Issues AGU 2017
Sustainable solutions to societal issues: Teaching Earth literacy across the undergraduate curriculum
Sustaining Your Interdisciplinary Environmental and Sustainability Program: Opportunities and Resources
Teaching About Natural Hazards and Risks
Teaching about the Critical Zone and the Changing Biosphere
Teaching Nanoscience in the Earth and Environmental Sciences
Teaching Sustainability and Environmental Justice in the Humanities and Social Sciences
Teaching the Impacts of Human Carbon Emissions on the Atmosphere, Oceans, and Economy
The Importance of Diversity and Equity in Supporting the Whole Student
Transforming Teacher Preparation to Teach for Sustainability
Understanding the Earth System and Key Societal Issues: High school teachers
Understanding the Earth System and Key Societal Issues: K-8 teachers
Using Data to Teach About Societally Important Questions
Using InTeGrate Materials in K-8 Teacher Preparation
Water and Food Sustainability
Ways to Support All Students
Webinars 2015-2016
Working with Diverse Students on Societally Relevant Geoscience Issues
2013-2014 Webinars
Webinar Participant Workspace
About this Project
News and Announcements
For Team Members