Workshop Program

Jump down to: Monday | Tuesday |

Unless otherwise noted, all events happen in ISTB4 Room 240.

February 23 (Sunday)

5:00 Reception, registration, appetizers, libations (in the Gallery of Scientific Exploration, building ISTB4 lobby)
6:15 Welcoming remarks, goals of workshop, introductions, icebreaker
7:15 Keynote

Bringing Diverse Voices to the Future of Geoscience - Eric Jolly, Science Museum of Minnesota

Engagement, Capacity, and Continuity: A Trilogy for Student Success


Short description of what will occur in next two days

8:45 Conclude

February 24 (Monday)

7:00-8:15 Breakfast at hotel

8:30-8:45 Introduction to workshop and its goals. Overview of the structure of the workshop. - Diane Doser

8:45-9:30 Setting the Stage: Where are we now? (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 223kB Feb24 14) - Joshua Villalobos

Discussion and creation of a Successes and Challenges document.

9:30-12:15 Recruiting Underserved Students

9:30-10:30 Examples of best practices:


10:30 Break

10:45-11:45 Small Group work - Breakout in smaller groups focused around possible strategies to implement recruiting at other institutions - choose a group where you have strengths to share.

  • 2yc-4yc (Facilitator - Callan Bentley, Northern Virginia Community College) ISTB4-299
  • High School (Facilitator - Emily Geosling, CUAHSI) ISTB4-399
  • Intro Courses (Facilitator - Becky Ball, Arizona State University West Campus) ISTB4-636

11:45-12:15 What have we learned. Plans for next steps.

12:15-1:15 Lunch

1:15-3:15 Supporting and Retaining Students

1:15-2:15 Examples of best practices:


2:15-3:15 Breakout for smaller group discussion around:

3:15 Break

3:30-4:30 Pathways to the Workforce

  • Amy Myrbo (LacCore/UMN)
  • Lina Patino (National Science Foundation)

Presentation (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 260kB Feb24 14)


4:30-5:30 Individual reflection on the day's work. 
Group Reflection - Where are we now? Plans for tomorrow.

6:00 Group dinner - Z' Tejas (walking map) (Acrobat (PDF) 11MB Feb24 14)

February 25 (Tuesday)

7:00-8:15 Breakfast at hotel

8:30-8:45 Overview of day's activities

8:45-9:45 Keynote by Marilyn Suiter (NSF) and Michael J. Carroll (Hunt Oil) - Perspectives and strategies on diversity in geosciences

9:45 Break

10:00-11:30 Working Group Time

  • Individual groups meet to develop action plans that focus on strategies for recruitment, retention, or workforce prep, be sure to consider barriers to adoption

11:30-12:30 Lunch

12:30-2:00 Wrapup

  • Reflection, including recaps from speakers
  • Group report out
  • Synthesis of results
  • End of Workshop Evaluation

2:00 Adjourn