Workshop Program

Wednesday, March 20

First day of Western Alaska interdisciplinary Science Conference

8:30-9:00 Opening remarks and introductions

9:00-10:00 Distance education delivery methods for introductory science courses including labs (online, mailed and intensives)

Speakers: Claudia Ihl, Todd Radenbaugh, Dan Solie, Tara Borland

  • Distance labs currently used at CRCD.
  • What are the best practices for distance education and eLearning science courses?
  • How can we teach science to rural Alaskans better?
10:00-10:15 Break

10:15-12:00 Innovative learning techniques

  • Best Distance education practices for teaching science.
  • Where are the gaps, what are we doing right, how can we improve?

12:00-1:00 Lunch break

1:00-2:00 2 year to 4 year college transition

Speakers: Pete Pinney, Christa Mulder, Larry Duffy, Bob Metcalf

  • How do we develop a plan to transfer students from 2YC to 4YC?
  • Is there a role for graduate students in rural Alaska?

2:00-3:15 Workforce development in rural AK

  • Roll of Rural Campuses in workforce development or 2YC to 4YC, can we do both well?
  • What occupations do rural Alaskan's want and how do you meet those needs?
  • How to best meet the workforce development needs of rural students? e.g. Occupational endorsements, certificates or other educational programs
  • How to improve student recruitment and retetion.
3:15-3:30 Break

3:30-4:00 Developing a community of rural AK college educators
  • How is the Fairbanks campus connected to the rural campuses?
  • Where are the disconnects? How can we do better?
  • What are the rolls of the Fairbanks science departments, EPSCoR and RAP to help rural students?
  • Define the goals for the CRCD Science Department.

4:00-5:00 Student support services needed for successful rural science programs
  • How to advise and prepare students to succeed in science courses, occupational endorsements and degrees
  • Providing lab assistance to students
  • Innovative ways to have students helping students

5:00-5:25 Wrap-up Session

  • Next-step - delivering products to improve rural science education

5:25-5:30 Exit Survey

5:30-6:30 Break

6:30-8:30 Dinner

Thursday and Friday, March 21 -22

See WAISC schedule
7:00 Dinner

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