Workshop Agenda
9:00-9:15am Introduction - Jan Hodder
9:15-9:45am Student Learning Outcomes (Acrobat (PDF) 90kB Feb18 14) for Oceanography intro courses - Katryn Wiese
9:45am-12:15pm Resources for Oceanography courses
9:45-10:45am The Ocean Observing Initiative – Ocean Education Portal (Acrobat (PDF) 2.7MB Feb23 14) – Sage Lichtenwalner
10:45-11:00am Break
11:00-11:45am Use of real time data to facilitate student inquiry (Zip Archive 7.7MB Feb23 14) - Jude Apple
11:45am-12:15pm Cutting Edge resources for Oceanography – Katryn Wiese
Lunch time field trip – Local beach processes - Katryn Wiese and John Fitzpatrick
×1:15-2:00pm Short presentations by 2YC faculty on projects
- Jennifer Martin - Field Research in an Introductory Oceanography Lab (Acrobat (PDF) 1.6MB Feb23 14)
- Christy Philippoff - Student Internship Experience (Acrobat (PDF) 791kB Feb23 14)
- Debra Woodall - Reversing the "empty-bucket" syndrome via student-designed research projects (Acrobat (PDF) 932kB Feb23 14)
- James Hewlett - Ocean Science Research at the Community College: Models of integration (Acrobat (PDF) 2.1MB Feb23 14)
- Tracy Furutani - Students be trained to isolate and identify benthic forams? Sort of. (Acrobat (PDF) 291kB Feb23 14)
- Robert Lutz - Argumentation Driven Inquiry and other Data Rich Activities (Acrobat (PDF) 1.4MB Feb23 14)
- Marianne McNamara - A Club with a Porpoise (Acrobat (PDF) 5.3MB Feb23 14) -- Promoting Interest and Involvement in Marine Science at a Community College
2:00-2:30pm Resources for Ocean Career Information (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 13.8MB Feb18 14) - Jan Hodder
2:30-3:30pm Share fair of resources - all participants
3:30-4:00pm Resource Swap – What I need to support student outcomes – What I have
4:00-4:30pm Reflection and workshop evaluation – What do I plan to do with the workshop information?