Initial Publication Date: June 26, 2013

AS Transfer program in Geosciences at Vincennes University

Information for this profile was provided by Daniel L. Vaughn, Earth Science and Agriculture, Vincennes University. Information is also available on the program website. Students in this program are pursuing an associates degree.

Program Design & Assessment


Mission Statement:
The mission of the Vincennes University Earth Science program is to equip students with the knowledge and skills necessary to address environmental issues both regionally and globally. Intensive course work, laboratory experience, research projects, and field experience foster an objective and critical examination of relevant topics in the geosciences. The Earth Science courses prepare students for careers in various Earth Science areas or for transfer to a baccalaureate program.

Strengths of this program

Our programs has long-standing linkages with Indiana 4-year programs, specifically Purdue University Agriculture programs, as well as 2+2 agreements with the University of Southern IN Geology and Indiana State University's Earth and Environment majors

Types of students served

  • Two-year college students preparing to transfer to a 4-year program
  • also students in various programs needing a lab science, or other Core Curriculum courses
  • BA Secondary Science Education students in the Earth and Space specialization

Program Goals

The goals of this program are as follows:

Program Learning Outcomes
Students who complete course work in the Earth Science program will be able to:

  • comprehend the interrelationship of the four principal components of the Earth system.
  • comprehend Earth structures, materials, and internal and surficial processes.
  • apply critical thinking skills to environmental/Earth science related issues.
  • synthesize data to address environmental/ Earth science issues.
  • appreciate the connections between the environment/Earth science and their lives and current issues.

The learning goals were informed by the following resources:

Departmental Meetings, recent state legislation, and institutional goals

How program goals are assessed

We are required to do assessment of certain courses according to institutional and state rubrics.

Design features that allow goals to be met

We are currently in a reorientation phase and hope to come away from this workshop with relevant input to that end

Alumni Careers

Graduation rate

5-9 in the Earth Science oriented concentrations, perhaps 12-15 in agricultural oriented ones

Careers pursued by our alumni

most continue on to 4-year degrees, while some do get "technician" level jobs with local entities like county extension or NRCS offices (its a big agricultural zone)