Selected References

Initial Publication Date: June 24, 2013

Compiled primarily by David Gosselin, University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Jump down to: AGI Reports | Assessment | Competencies for Geoscience | Competencies for Environmental | Competencies Misc.

Workforce Reports and 21st Century Preparation

NSF GEO Innovation Newsletter - The newsletter has information about NSF funding opportunities for academic institutions to partner with industry.

What Do Employers Want from College Graduates? - Liberal Education, Spring 2013

American Geological Institute. "Status of the Geoscience Workforce: Appendix A: Defining the Geosciences." (2009)

Anft, Michael. "The STEM Crisis: Reality or Myth?" The Chronicle of Higher Education. (2013):

Bralower, T.J., Feiss, P.G., and Manduca, C.A., 2008, Preparing an new generation of citizens and scientists to face Earth's future: Liberal Education, Spring, 2008, p. 20-23.

Burrell, S., 2009, Educating the next generation of geoscientists – creating a pipeline for women and ethnic minorities: Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, v. 41, n.7, p. 246.

Cisco. "Equipping Every Learner for the 21st Century." (2008)

Crawford, Pat, Suzanne Lang, Wendy Fink, Robert Dalton and Laura Feilitz. Comparative Analysis of Soft Skills: What is Important for New Graduates? Perceptions of Employers, Alum, Faculty, and Students. Michigan State University. (2011).

Forrester, Jay. Learning through System Dynamics as Preparation for the 21st Century. MIT. (2009):

Freeman, L.W., 2006, Careers, competencies (and compensation): human resource crisis in the minerals industry: Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, v. 38, n. 7, p. 33.

Gonzales, Leila, and Christopher Keane. "Status of the Geoscience Workforce 2011." American Geological Institute. (2011)

Gonzales, Leila, and Christopher Keane, 2010, Who will fill the geoscience workforce supply gap?: Environmental Science and Technology, v. 44, p. 550–555.

Hart Research Associates. It Takes More than a Major: Employer Priorities for College Learning and Student Success. (2013).

Manyika, James, Susan Lund, Byron August, and Sreenivas Ramaswamy. "Help wanted: The future of work in advanced economies." McKinsey Global Institute. (2012):

Mourshed, Mona, Diana Farrell, and Dominic Barton. "Education to Employment: Designing a System that works." McKinsey Center for Government.

National Academy of Sciences. "Future U.S. Workforce for Geospatial Intelligence." National Academy Press (2013)

National Academy of Sciences. Transforming Agricultural Education for a Changing World. National Academy Press. (2009)

Pellegrino, James, Margaret Hilton. Eds. "Education for Life and Work: Developing Transferable Knowledge and Skills in the 21st Century. National Academy of Sciences. (2012):

Pasadena City College, Exploring STEM Careers. This interactive website illustrates the pathways to many different careers within STEM.

Slingenberg, Allister, Koen Rademaekers, Ekim Sincer, and Ruud van der Aa. "Environment and labour force skills: Overview of the links between the skills profile of the labour force and environmental factors." Ecorys. (2008)

Sternberg, Robert J. "Giving Employers What They Don't Really Want." The Chronicle of Higher Education. (2013):

Summa, L.L., and Loudin, M.G., 2008, The 21st century geoscience workforce: global opportunities and challenges in the energy industry: Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, v. 40, n. 6, p. 89.

The Chronicle of Higher Education. "The Role of Higher Education in Career Development: Employer Perceptions." The Chronicle of Higher Education. Marketplace. (2012): Survey.pdf

The Conference Board. Partnership for 21st Century Skills. Corporate Voices for Working Families. Society for Human Resource Management."Are They Really Ready to Work? Employers' Perspectives on the Basic Knowledge and Applied Skills of New Entrants to the 21st Century U.S. Workforce." (2006)

United States Department of Education. Transforming American Education: Learning Powered by Technology. (2010)

U.S. Department of Education. Proposed Green/Sustainability Knowledge and Skill Statements. (2012)

AGI Workforce Reports

American Geosciences Institute. AGI's National Geoscience Students Exit Survey. 26. Sept 2012.

American Geosciences Institute. Competitive Median Salaries Across Industry Sectors. 5. Sept 2012.

American Geosciences Institute. Geoscience Salaries Compared to Other Science Occupations. 14. Sept 2011.

American Geosciences Institute. New Geoscience Graduates Employment and Education Plans Spring 2012. 29. April 2013.

American Geosciences Institute. U.S. Geoscience Enrollements and Degress. 1. Feb 2013.

American Geosciences Institute. U.S. Geoscience Female Enrollments and Degrees. 11. Feb 2013.

American Geosciences Institute. 2010 Geoscience Workforce Age Demographics. 11. Mar 2011.

American Geosciences Institute. 2011 Median Salaries for Geoscience-related Occupations. 7. Aug 2012.


Bedwell, Wendy, Stephen Fiore, and Eduardo Salas. "Developing the 21st Century (and Beyond) Workforce: A Review of Interpersonal Skills & Measurement Strategies." IPS Measurement 1.

Koenig, Judith. "Assessing 21st Century Skills: Summary of a Workshop." National Academy of Sciences.

Remington, Sonya, Kim Connell, Cosette Armstrong, Sheryl Musgrove. Assessing Sustainability Education in a Transdisciplinary Undergraduate Course Focused on Real-World Problem Solving: A Case for Disciplinary Grounding. []

Competencies and Learning Outcomes - Geoscience

Freeman, L.W., 2006, Careers, competencies (and compensation): human resource crisis in the minerals industry: Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, v. 38, n. 7, p. 33.

Heath, C.P.M. "Technical and Non-technical Skills needed by Oil Companies." Journal of Geoscience Education. 48. (2000): 617.

Igonor, Emmanuel, and M. Ikpi Oden. "Empowering Geoscientists with Entrepreneurial Skills - Bring Back the 'Economics' in Economic Geology Course." Journal of Sciences and Multidisciplinary Research. 2. (2010): 76.

Competencies, Learning Outcomes, and Pedagogy - Environment and Sustainability

ACPA's Presidential Taskforce on Sustainability. Change Agent Abilities Required to Help Create a Sustainable Future.

ACPA Sustainability Taskforce. Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Materials Guidebook. National Center for Education.

ACPA Sustainability Taskforce. Student Learning Outcomes. (2006)

American Public Health Association. Environmental Health Competency Project: Recommendations for Core Competencies for Local Environmental Health Practitioners. National Center for Environmental Health, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2001).

Aurandt, Jennifer, Elizabeth Butler. Sustainability Education: Approaches for Incorporating Sustainability into the Undergraduate Curriculum. Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice. (2011).

Barth, M, J Godemann, M Rieckman, and U Stoltenber. "Developing Key Competencies for sustainable development in higher education." International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education. 8.4 (2007): 416-430.

Batterman, Stuart, Antonio Martins, Carlos Antunes, Fausto Freire, and Manuel Gameiro da Silva. "Development and Application of Competencies for Graduate Programs in Energy and Sustainability." Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education & Practice. (2011):

Bootsma, Margien. "Experiences of environmental professionals in practice." International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education. 12. (2011): 163-176.

Brundiers, Katja, Arniem Wiek, Charles Redman. Real-world Learning Opportunities in Sustainability: From Classroom into the Real World. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education. 11.4. (2010): 308-324. []

Chau, K.W.. Incorporation of Sustainability Concepts into a Civil Engineering Curriculum. Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice. (2007).

Clark, Susan, Michelle Steen-Adams, Stephanie Pfirman, and Richard Wallace. "Professional development of interdisciplinary environmental scholars." J Environ Stud Sci. (2011):

Eaton, Marie, Kate Davies, Sarah Williams, Jean MacGregor. Why Sustainability Education Needs Pedagogies of Reflection and Contemplation.

Frisk, Erin, Kelli Larson. Educating for Sustainability: Competencies & Practices for Transformative Action. Journal of Sustainability Education. 2 (2011)

Gosselin, David, Sara Cooper, Ronald J. Bonnstetter, Bill J. Bonnstetter. Exploring the assessment of twenty-first century professional competencies of undergraduate students in environmental studies through a business—academic partnership, Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences, June 2013.

Leeman, James. Delivering Business Value by Linking Behavioral EHS Competencies to Corporate Core Competencies. International Journal for Sustainable Business. 12.1 (2005): 3-15.

Lovett, Linda. "Competencies for Sustainability Consultants: A Moving Target in a Changing World." ISSP Insight. (2012):

Mochizuki, Yoko, Zinaida Fadeeva. Competencies for Sustainable Development and Sustainability: Significance and Challenges for ESD. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education. 11.4 (2010): 391-403.

Moore, Janet. Is Higher Education Ready for Transformative Learning?: A Question Explored in the Study of Sustainability. Journal of Transformative Education. 3.76 (2005).

Parkin, Sara, Andy Johnson, Heloise Buckland, Fiona Brookes, Elizabeth White. Learning and Skills for Sustainable Development. Higher Education Partnerships for Sustainability. (2004).

Rowe, Debra. Environmental Literacy and Sustainability as Core Requirements: Success Stories and Models. (2002).

Schellnhuber, Hans, Paul Crutzen, William Clark, and Julian Hunt. "Earth System Analysis for Sustainability." Environment. 47.8 (2005):

Shepherd, Kerry. Higher Education for Sustainability: Seeking Affective Learning Outcomes. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education. 9.1 (2008): 87-98.

Thomas, Ian, Ruth Lane, Leonardo Ribon-Tobon, Charley May. Careers in the Environment in Australia: Surveying Environmental Jobs. Environmental Education Research. 13.1 (2007): 97-117.

Vincent, Shirley, Will Focht. U.S. higher education environmental program managers' perspectives on curriculum design and core competencies: Implication for sustainability as a guiding framework. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education. 10:2 (2009): 64. []

Vincent, Shirley, Will Focht. US Higher Education Environmental Program Managers' Perspective on Curriculum Design and Core Competencies: Implications for Sustainability as a Guiding Framework. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education. 10.2 (2009): 164:183. []

Vincent, Shirley, Will Focht. In Search of Common Ground: Exploring Identity and Core Competencies for Interdisciplinary Environmental Programs. Environmental Practices. 12.1. (2010):

Wiek, Arnim. Core Competencies in Sustainability: Workshop Guide. Forum for Sustainability Science Programs. (2010).

Wiek, Arnim, Lauren Withycombe, Charles Redman. Key Competencies in Sustainability: A Reference Framework for Academic Program Development. Sustainability Science. 6.2 (2011): 203-218.

Willard, Marsha, Carol Wiedmeyer, et al. "The Sustainability Professional: 2010 Competency Survey Report." International Society of Sustainability Professionals. (2010):

Yousey-Elsener, Kimberly, Diana Keith, and Staci Ripkey. "What Are Students Learning about Sustainability?." Assessment Matters. (2010):

Competencies - Miscellaneous

Hopkinson, Peter. Practical Pedagogy for Embedding ESD in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Curricula. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education. 11 (2010): 365-379. []

Huntzinger, Deborah, Margot Hutchins, John Gierke, and John Sutherland. Enabling Sustainable Thinking in Undergraduate Engineering Education. International Journal of Engineering Education. 23.2 (2007): 218-230. []

Jacobs, Marty. Systems Thinking: The Fifth Discipline of Learning Organizations. Systems in Sync. 2008.

Sibbel, Anne. Pathways Towards Sustainability Through Higher Education. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education. 10.1 (2009): 66-82. []

Walther, J, and DF Radcliffe. "The competence dilemma in engineering education: Moving beyond simple graduate attribute mapping." Australasian Association of Engineering Education. 13.1 (2007):