Copyright for InTeGrate Authors »
Dealing with Copyright
Initial Publication Date: April 7, 2015
Friday, April 17, 2015
9:00 am PST | 10:00 am MST | 11:00 am CST | 12:00 pm EST
Duration: 1.5 hours with extra time for questions
Platform: Online web presentation and discussion via phone and Adobe Connect web conference software with questions and answers following. See Technology Instructions to connect.
Jump down to: Screencast Recording | Additional Resources


- Assess the copyright situation of potential InTeGrate materials.
- Identify an appropriate range of options with which they might 'deal' with the copyright requirements of potential InTeGrate materials.
- Correctly record the provenance and reuse details of material they upload into the CMS for their InTeGrate module.
- Explain what the end users of InTeGrate are allowed to do with InTeGrate materials.
- Quick Introductions of Presenters - 5 minutes
- Presentation on Copyright: What, when, why and how- 20-30 minutes
- View the Copyright PowerPoint (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 1MB Dec4 15)
- Small group activity - 30 minutes
- Share out from smaller discussions - 20 minutes
- Wrap up and Questions - 10 minutes
Watch the Screencast:
Click on the image to play an enlarged version of this screencast.Resources
The SERC site has a lot of material on copyright, especially with regards to sharing materials on the SERC site itself. The following links may be helpful to you as you begin to pursue this topic:
- Here is the main InTeGrate page about copyright that was written up specifically for the module authors:
- And here is another generic SERC page that speaks to copyright and authoring materials on our site that is somewhat duplicative and somewhat complementary:
- This is the page for the public users of the site which explains what people can (and can't) do:
- View the 2014 Presentation Screencast (MP4 Video 47.8MB Jun14 18) and 2014 presentation slides (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 1.5MB Feb20 14)