Workshop Program

Sunday, April 14, 2013

5:00 PM Welcoming remarks and Icebreaker- Carleton College, Weitz Center , Larsen Room 236

  • Cathy Manduca - Lead PI for InTeGrate
  • Kim Smith - Council Member, Association for Environmental Studies and Sciences
  • Fernan Jaramillo - Associate Dean of the College, Professor of Biology, Carleton College

6:00 Dinner with cash-only bar- Larsen Room 236

7:00 Keynote:

  • Power and Place: The Making of Environmental (In)Justice
    Cecilia Martinez, Director of Research Programs, Center for Earth Energy and Democracy
  • Reflections: Jill Schneiderman, Vassar College and Paul Jeffries, Ripon College
  • Discussion: What does this broad framing of Environmental Justice mean for us?

Monday, April 15, 2013

Courtesy breakfast - Country Inn of Northfield
*All workshop activities will take place at the Carleton College, Weitz Center

8:30 Workshop goals, InTeGrate opportunities - Weitz Center, Larsen Room 236 Introduction (PowerPoint 960kB Apr15 13)

8:45-9:45 What are our goals and objectives in teaching Environmental Justice? Small groups will discuss and report

9:45-10:00 Break

10:00-11:30 What are we currently doing? Disciplinary perspectives panel discussion. -Larsen Room 236

11:30-12:30 Small interdisciplinary group discussion of what are we currently doing

12:30-2:00 Lunch - Language and Dining Hall

2:00-3:15 Moving beyond talking: working with affected populations, activism -Larsen Room 236

3:15. 3:30 Break

3:30 - 5:00 Break out session on moving beyond talking: sharing classroom strategies for moving students to act
Breakout Group Reporting Pages - Larsen Room 236, Rooms 230, 231, 233

  • Using Community Partnerships or Community Engagement to teach about Environmental Justice
  • Place -based approaches to Teaching Environmental Justice
  • Engaging students in Environmental Justice research
  • Developing students' critical thinking about Environmental Justice through assignments (writing, map making etc).

5:00-5:10 Individual reflection (roadcheck) - Larsen Room 236

5:10-6:00 Small group discussion of needs and opportunities

6:00-6:15 Closing Session

7:00 Dinner- Ole Store

Tuesday, April 16

Courtesy breakfast - Country Inn of Northfield
*Check out of hotel. Bring your luggage to the Weitz Center (shuttles to the airport will leave from Weitz Center)

8:30-8:45 Overview of the day - Larsen Room 236

8:45-10:00 Building an academic environment that can address environmental justice. Panel presentations and discussion.

10:00-10:15 Break

10:15-1:00 Groups of 3-4 will explore ideas for developing a module or a course. - Larsen Room 236, Rooms 008, 131, 231

12:00-1:00 Working Lunch - Burton Dining Hall


  • 1:00-1:10 Submit Take Home messages
  • 1:10-1:40 Reporting out on proposed modules/courses
  • 1:40-1:45 Take home messages: discuss synthesis of take home messages
  • 1:45-1:55 Next steps
  • 1:55-2:00 End of workshop evaluation

2:00 pm Adjourn