Learning Goals
Content/concepts goals
Higher order thinking skills goals
Other skills goals
1. Provide students with a basic understanding of the interrelationship between environmental justice and public policy using the molecules to ecosystem approach.
2. Have students define, explain and characterize the spatial and temporal scales, and organizational levels of the interrelationship between environmental justice and public policy.
3. Solicit student perspectives, reactions, and experiences in the class discussions, assignments, and exams.
4. Have students Develop an annotated bibliography: The Integration of Environmental Justice and Sustainability'.
5. Have students develop and produce poster presentation 'Food: The Foundation For Sustainable Communities'.
Context for Use
Type and level of course
This set of exams are administered in EVR4036 Environmental Equity and Justice available to environmental science/studies majors and non-majors.
Skills and concepts students should have mastered
Prior to beginning these exams students must have mastered writing, grammar and annotation skills and the concepts of environmental equity and justice including an overall framework; stakeholders; health risks and research; documenting EEJ issues; cooperative action; integrating EEJ and sustainability; integrating EEJ into government operations; EEJ Case Studies.
How the activity is situated in the course
The exam questions are incorporated in the syllabus and are situated and explained in detail at the beginning of the course and assigned for completion in October, November and December.
Description and Teaching Materials
Required – ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE READER-II: A Survey and Review of Critical Issues in Disenfranchised and Vulnerable Communities in the Twenty-first Century (2012) Johnson, G., Rainey-Brown, S.A., and Gragg, R.D., (Eds.) New York, NY: Linus Publications, Inc.; The Promise and Peril of Environmental Justice (2000, paperback) Christopher H. Foreman Jr., Brookings Institution.
The EJ Reader II is a compilation of refereed environmental justice journal articles and the Foreman book presents a contrarian perspective. Students must select five references from the reader and five from those presented by the instructor to develop and support their exam answers. That included selecting and annotating each of the ten references in the context of the exam questions.
The poster presentation is based on the integration of skills and knowledge attained in the classroom and the attendance of an outside activity like an invited lecture, conference or other co-curricular activity like a campus wide poster competition.