« Activity 5 Discussions

Don Barrie  

What is something you currently do to incorporate metacognition in your courses? Do you have evidence that indicate it's been successful? Any suggestions for others who might want to implement something similar?

In my physical geology course, I currently use a modified version of the exam wrapper activity as the focus of a class discussion. I begin by handing back an exam and ask students to look it over (5 mins or so). Then, I ask the following question: For those of you who got a score you're satisfied with, what exam preparation techniques and strategies did you use that contributed to your success? Would anyone like to volunteer a response? This activity generally works quite well, because by the time I do it, students are used to speaking up in my class. Often, I'll modify my question a bit by asking for a volunteer who hasn't yet contributed anything to the discussion that day. This seems to work well in that it frees up shy students to contribute to the discussion. In my experience, some students respond to this invitation. Sometimes, too, if nobody is responding, I'll lighten the mood by saying something like, "OK folks, don't think you can wait me out! I know someone really wants to break the awkward silence." The key here is to say this in a light-hearted way that invites participation as opposed to using a accusatory tone.


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I like the idea of exam wrappers in a way to help out students, especially those first time in college or returning after a long break, in better ways of studying for an exam. Most people do this in a multiple-choice and/or essay-type question-answer format, I usually do it in verbal way by asking volunteers from those students who did fairly well in the exam, sharing their study techniques and strategies which apparently worked, and also the amount of work devoted to studying prior to the exam. I write these feedback on the board to share with the rest of the students.


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I wonder if there might be a way to incorporate the idea of changing how they study/prepare for a test. I am not sure how to do this in an open-class session. Perhaps there is enough trust built up at that point to be able to get a response to an open question: How would you change how you study for the next test?


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