Building Pathways for Success: Supporting Student Transfer from Two-Year Colleges to Four-Year Colleges and Universities

A SAGE 2YC workshop for educators in two-year and four-year colleges/universities

Oregon Convention Center, E143-E144 -- in Conjunction with Ocean Sciences annual meeting.

Sunday, February 11, 2018 1:00-5:00 pm

Workshop goals:

  • Explore promising practices and share strategies for supporting transfer students in their pathways from their first geoscience course at a community college to graduation from a four-year college or university
  • Share and learn from others, increasing communication and collaboration of those interested in building pathways to success for transfer students
  • Develop individual or team action plans and get feedback from other participants


Workshop Slides (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 5.6MB Feb5 18)

Sunday, February 11, 2018

1:00-1:15 Welcome and Introductions

1:15-1:35 Setting the Scene for Transfer Transfer Scenarios (Microsoft Word 2007 (.docx) 15kB Feb5 18)

1:35-2:25 Transfer Journeys: Supporting Student Transfer at Critical Points From Recruitment to Transfer and Beyond

2:25-3:00 Successful Programs and Assessment: Program-level Efforts and 2YC-4YCU Partnerships including Examples from NSF-funded GeoPaths programs.

3:00-3:30 Session 1: Small Group Discussions/ Work Sessions on Strategies and Practices to Support Transfer

3:30-4:00 Session 2: Small Group Discussions/ Work Sessions on Strategies and Practices to Support Transfer

4:00-4:15 Report outs from session discussions

4:15-4:45 Planning Time and Sharing of Ideas in Small Groups

4:45-5:00 Reflections, Closing Remarks, and Workshop Evaluation

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