Teaching Rubrics for InTeGrate Authors »

Designing Teaching Rubrics

Initial Publication Date: January 20, 2014

January 24, 2014 (Friday)

10:00 am PST | 11:00 am MST | 12:00 pm CST | 1:00 pm EST

Duration: 1.5 hours with extra time for questions
Platform: Online web presentation and discussion via phone and Adobe Connect web conference software with questions and answers following. See Technology Instructions to connect.


At the end of this webinar, participants will be able to...

1) Describe how rubrics can support student learning.

2) Identify key elements in a rubric that are useful for a given assignment.

3) Start drafting rubrics for assessments in your own courses.


  • Quick Introductions of Presenters - 5 minutes
  • Overview of Rubrics, how and why they're used (find the presentation here (Rubric presentation (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 5MB Jan24 14))) - 20-30 minutes
  • Small group activity (found here (Rubrics Activity (Microsoft Word 2007 (.docx) 135kB Jan24 14))) - 30 minutes
  • Share out from smaller discussions - 20 minutes
  • Wrap up and Questions - 10 minutes


The On Cutting Edge site on rubrics and PIA's pages on rubric design are two excellent general references. For more specific examples of rubrics, see:



slides for Designing Rubrics (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 5MB Jan24 14)