Initial Publication Date: October 18, 2017

Preparing Future Teachers: Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University

Jump Down To: Context | Sustainability and Action | Design and Assessment | Courses and Sequencing | Additional Materials and Information


Florida A & M University, College of Education, Secondary Department, Science Education

Sustainability and Action

Attracting New Students

Students are attracted to pre-service and in-service teachers as they serve the community. Students are invited to workshops, STEM camps, and other activities.

Engaging with Sustainability

Field experiences

Moving to Action

Students plant their own garden and spear head their own activities.

Design and Assessment

  • Design Impetus - The impetus is to develop science educators that have a robust content knowledge in the Geosciences as well as other sciences.
  • Program-Level Learning Goals - Our program is to produce future science educators with a strong Geoscience content knowledge.
  • Graduate Career Preparation - Our program produces future science educators
  • Other Careers -
  • Program Assessment - We have an accreditation program that assess the effectiveness of our graduates up to 3 years upon graduating.

Courses and Sequencing

Entry Courses

Intro to Earth and Space Science
Science Education for Elementary Students
Science Education for Secondary Students
ALL Intro Science courses can be taught upon demand

Core Courses

Capstone: N/A


Requirement: 12 credits

Other Key Features

Addition Materials and Information