Teaching Activities
These teaching activities were submitted by workshop participants.
Results 1 - 10 of 31 matches
Happyville Water Table Contour Map
Jennifer Sliko, Pennsylvania State University-Main Campus
In this activity, students create and interpret a water table contour map. Students utilize groundwater well elevations and the depth to the water table at each well to determine the water table elevation at each ...
Oceanography Virtual Field Trips
Jennifer Nelson, Purdue University-Main Campus
Students explore online data, maps, webcams, and articles from specific US locations to understand and visualize the oceanographic phenomena of that location. Through the worksheet, students will learn to explore ...
Introduction to Google Earth and Plate Tectonics
Denise Bristol, Hillsborough Community College
This activity introduces students to using Google Earth and adding layers to google earth, while re-enforcing plate tectonic concepts and evidence for plate tectonics. Outcomes: 1. Download Google Earth onto ...
Identifying and Classifying Sedimentary Rocks in Thin Section
Rachel Walters, University of Florida
This is an online activity introducing students to the basic identification and classification of the textural and compositional characteristics of sedimentary rocks in thin section.
Volcano Lab - Google Earth
Tamara Misner, Edinboro University of Pennsylvania
Volcano shape is strongly controlled by eruptive style, which in turn is controlled by magma composition and tectonic setting. This lab utilizes Google Earth, which takes students on a virtual field trip, in order ...
Virtual Soil Classification
Karen Rose Cercone, Indiana University of Pennsylvania-Main Campus
After watching a video, students classify soils using a ternary soil diagram and run online computer models to see how the proportion of sand, silt and clay affect drainage. Students then use the ternary soil ...
Contrails or Chemtrails?
Blair Larsen, Utah State University
Using multi-media and basic atmospheric physics, students investigate contrails and chemtrails. Students apply previous learning about pseudoscience, and couple that with an understanding of the atmosphere to reach ...
Determining Plate Rates From Hot Spot Tracks Using Google Earth
Susan Schwartz, University of California-Santa Cruz
This activity uses Google Earth to explore the distribution of plate boundaries and hotspot volcanoes on Earth. It uses the ages and locations of the hotspot volcanoes to determine the direction and rate of plate ...
Writing Assignment for Marine Biology
Anthony Santorelli, Anne Arundel Community College
Students write about the important aspects of a species of sea life, including physical characteristics, habitat, behaviors and interaction with humans and also provide a video that addresses that sea life along ...
Investigating Oceanographic Issues and Solutions
Anthony Santorelli, Anne Arundel Community College; Denise Bristol, Hillsborough Community College; Jennifer Nelson, Purdue University-Main Campus; Amy Hochberg, Utah State University; Al Trujillo, Palomar College
Students explore an oceanographic issue and solutions in a discussion post (text or video), and provide critical analysis.