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Email Lists, Discussion Boards, and Blog

SERC hosts a variety of communication mechanisms for those with like interests. Among these are:

  • Email lists, where you can sign up to send and receive emails to network with others with similar interests share and receive announcements and information regarding a particular topic and/or meetings and workshops related to the topic;
  • Discussion boards, where you can post questions or messages for others to respond to, or provide a response to other's posts; and the
  • Earth and Mind Blog, where you can comment on blog entries related to geoscience education.

If you would like to post an announcement to an email list, you need to be a member of that list. If you have an advertisement for a workshop, call for papers or other announcement of general interest, you can have it publicized via NAGT News and Advertisements.

Email Lists

Do you need help with something in class? Do you want to share an experience or an announcement with others? On the Cutting Edge, NAGT and other projects hosted by SERC offer a variety email lists that you can join - these lists will allow you to email others involved in your area of interest as well as to read archives of past emails. If you would like to post an announcement to an email list, you need to be a member of that list.

The lists are organized by topic: Teaching | Career and Department | Earth Science, Geoscience, and Biology

General Interest

  • Teach the Earth - This list is used to announce activities from Teach the Earth and SERC that are of high interest to the broad Geoscience Education community. Teachtheearth is an announcement list and not a discussion list. Emails will only come from Teach the Earth and are moderated to include only emails of broad interest.
  • Public Policy (part of NAGT) - This email list alerts members to needs for immediate input on policy issues, and provide news and updates on opportunities to participate in national events. (Note- this email list is different than the one listed above.) (From NAGT)
  • Science Literacy (part of NAGT) - This email list provides updates on activity related to development of national science standards, frameworks and literacies. (From NAGT)
  • InTeGrate News - The InTeGrate News email list provides announcements and news from the InTeGrate program. This includes opportunities to be involved in the program (e.g. workshops, calls for proposals) as well as announcements about significant new materials as they become available. (From InTeGrate)


How Students Learn

Course Design

Teaching in Specific Environments or to Specific Audiences

Career and Department

Earth Science, Geoscience, and Biology

Teaching Core Courses in Geoscience

Teaching Cross-Cutting Topics

Discussion Boards

SERC also offers discussion boards, from the On the Cutting Edge project, where you can look for answers to questions, pose questions, or answer other's questions.
