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Information Type
- Activity 7102 matches
- Community Discussion Summary 2 matches
- Conference Presentation 1138 matches
- Course Description 1008 matches
- Course Module 413 matches Teaching materials for one section of a course.
- DataSheet 20 matches
- Event 1026 matches
- Essays and Blog Posts 1295 matches
- Interest Group 1 match
- Program Description 253 matches
- Project Site 108 matches
- Site Guide 50 matches
- Teaching Method 55 matches
- American Studies 2 matches
- Anthropology 28 matches
- Biology 841 matches
- Business 36 matches
- Chemistry 432 matches
- Classics 5 matches
- Computer Science 74 matches
- Economics 321 matches
- Education 303 matches
- Engineering 316 matches
- English 54 matches
- Environmental Science 3486 matches
- Fine Arts 21 matches
- Geography 417 matches
- Geoscience 6907 matches
- Health Sciences 113 matches human health topics
- History 40 matches
- Languages 22 matches
- Library Science 1 match
- Mathematics 355 matches
- Media Studies 10 matches
- Physics 576 matches
- Political Science 69 matches
- Psychology 23 matches
- Religion 3 matches
- Social Science 4 matches
- Sociology 72 matches
- Women's and Gender Studies 4 matches
- A Civil Action - The Woburn Toxic Trial 171 matches
- Accelerating Systemic Change Network 1268 matches
- ACM Pedagogic Resources 406 matches
- ADVANCE and Beyond 6 matches
- ADVANCEGeo 162 matches
- AK UNiTE 46 matches
- BASICS 103 matches
- BOtCE 5 matches
- Bridging to STEM Excellence 29 matches
- Broadening Access to the Sciences 23 matches
- Building Strong Departments 235 matches
- C-ChanGe 6 matches
- CAMEL 433 matches
- CariUSA STEM Workgroup 2 matches
- Chronos Workshop 10 matches
- CISMI 212 matches
- CLASP Community 26 matches
- CLEAN 2577 matches
- Climate Change Collection 58 matches
- Climate Education in an Age of Media 314 matches
- Coalition for Climate Literacy 10 matches
- Compass 28 matches
- Creating Next Generation STEM Teacher Preparation Programs: NextGen-WA 115 matches
- CUREnet 253 matches
- Curriculum for the Bioregion 242 matches
- Cutting Edge 6297 matches
- Data and Model Driven Hydrology Education 75 matches
- Deep Time Climate and Carbon Cycle 4 matches
- DIG Texas Blueprints 38 matches
- Disciplinary Engagement with 2YCs 24 matches
- DLESE Community Services 6 matches
- E-Compete 51 matches
- E-STEM 38 matches
- Earth Analysis Techniques 80 matches
- Earth and Mind 124 matches
- Earth and Space Science 30 matches
- Earth Educators Rendezvous 3208 matches
- Earth Exploration Toolbook 1900 matches
- Earth Science Education and Outreach Provider Summit 22 matches
- EarthConnections 101 matches
- EarthLabs 291 matches
- EarthLabs for Educators 166 matches
- EarthScope ANGLE 99 matches
- EarthScope Chronicles 23 matches
- EarthScope in the Northern Rockies Workshop 16 matches
- ESS Vocabulary 8 matches
- EvaluateUR Method 991 matches
- Expanding HBCU Pathways for Geoscience Education 11 matches
- Exploring Genomics Data 43 matches
- Exploring the Past to Understand the Future 19 matches
- Eyes in the Sky 11 matches
- Eyes in the Sky II 358 matches
- Faculty Participation 5 matches
- GARNET 4 matches
- GEMS 1 match
- Geo-Needs 43 matches
- GEODE 13 matches
- GeoEthics 68 matches
- GeoMapApp Learning Activities 18 matches
- Geoscience Education Infrastructure Planning Meeting 16 matches
- Geoscience in Two-year Colleges 102 matches
- GeoTeach 1 match
- GET Spatial Learning 55 matches
- GETSI 399 matches
- Guided Inquiry Introductory Geology Labs 21 matches
- Hawaiian Volcanoes 6 matches
- Higher Ed Portal 29 matches
- Humanities Education for Anti-Racism Literacy 16 matches
- ICSCL 6 matches
- IE3: Meaningful evaluation of effective and inclusive teaching 25 matches
- IEDA2 5 matches
- Innovations in STEM Teacher Preparation 157 matches
- Integrate 3590 matches
- Integrating Research and Education 530 matches
- Integrative Science & Math Education at Carleton 37 matches
- IODP School of Rock 2020 30 matches
- ISSUES 37 matches
- K-8 Geo Teacher Preparation 14 matches
- K12 Portal 22 matches
- Keyah Math 17 matches
- Know Soil, Know Life Educators Guide 69 matches
- LSAMP IINSPIRE 77 matches
- MARGINS Data in the Classroom 116 matches
- MARGINS Successor Agenda 1 match
- Mars for Earthlings 87 matches
- Math and Science Teacher Academy 2 matches
- Math You Need 129 matches
- Math You Need - Majors 73 matches
- Math You Need Econ 1 match
- Microbial Life 297 matches
- Midwest Climate Collaborative Education 41 matches
- Model-Evidence Link Diagrams Project 61 matches
- NAGT 3137 matches
- Nanotechnology in STEM 139 matches
- National Institute for Faculty Equity 182 matches
- NC-FEW 127 matches
- Neotoma 24 matches
- Network of STEM Education Centers 655 matches
- NICHE 28 matches
- North Star STEM Alliance 3 matches
- NSDL: Retrospective Essays 19 matches
- Oceans in the News 20 matches
- Parallel Computing in the Computer Science Curriculum 234 matches
- Pedagogy in Action 2043 matches
- PENGUIN 16 matches
- Polar PASS 25 matches
- Project EDDIE 561 matches
- Quantitative Literacy and Reasoning Assessment 7 matches
- Quantitative Skills 319 matches
- QuIRK 159 matches
- REBUS 49 matches
- Reconsidering the Textbook 8 matches
- Research on Learning 36 matches
- SAGE 2YC 1050 matches
- Science for Non-Scientists 7 matches
- Scientific Ocean Drilling 113 matches
- SERC 9178 matches
- Shaping the Future of Undergraduate Earth Science Education 15 matches
- SISL 77 matches
- Spatial Thinking Workbook 35 matches
- Starting Point-Teaching Entry Level Geoscience 1205 matches
- Starting Point: Teaching and Learning Economics 737 matches
- State Your Case 48 matches
- STEM Futures 70 matches
- Supporting Community College Faculty Across the Disciplines 84 matches
- Supporting STEM Success in a Liberal Arts Context 86 matches
- Sustainability Workshop 17 matches
- Teach the Earth 567 matches
- Teacher Preparation 235 matches
- Teaching Computation with MATLAB 1034 matches
- Teaching Genomics at Small Colleges 42 matches
- Teaching with Augmented and Virtual Reality 26 matches
- TIDeS 114 matches
- Tracer 13 matches
- TREX - Tree Ring Expeditions 64 matches
- Using Data in the Classroom 279 matches
- Vignettes 233 matches
- Visualizing the Liberal Arts 121 matches
- WILSIM 19 matches
Results 1 - 10 of 50255 matches
Reef Builders through Time part of Teach the Earth:Teaching Activities
Students will use the Paleobiology Database (PBDB) to explore the history of reef-building animals through time. They will document diversity and extinction patterns through time for seven reef-building marine ...
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Discover Plate Tectonics part of Guided Inquiry Introductory Geology Labs:Activities
This is a student-centered activity for a synchronous online course where students access google slides to complete during a video conferencing session (eg. Zoom) in break out rooms. Students will be introduced to ...
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Explore Real Data from an Ice Core part of Teach the Earth:Teaching Activities
Ice core data allow students to explore a number of patterns while learning that researchers need to gather and interpret evidence to understand Earth's past. Students will explore core data collected in ...
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Ocean currents and overflows part of Teach the Earth:Teaching Activities
We are researchers and teachers in physical oceanography. Here we provide a lesson plan including materials, to explore ocean currents and specifically "underwater waterfalls", i.e., overflows in the ...
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Unit 4: Groundwater, GPS, and Water Resources part of Measuring the Earth with GPS
GPS data can measure ground elevation change in response to the changing amount of groundwater in valleys and snow cover in mountains. In this module, students will learn how to read GPS data to interpret how the ...
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Sustainability Metrics part of Project EDDIE:Teaching Materials:Modules
Sustainability is a complex term applied to many different contexts in a variety of ways. As a result, it can be challenging to determine how sustainable something really is. In this module, students will use an ...
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Virtual Geological Mapping Field Trip - Glens of Tekoa, New Zealand part of Teach the Earth:Teaching Activities
Geological mapping involves the observation, recording, presentation and interpretation of field data, all fundamental skills required by practicing geologists. This virtual geological mapping exercise enables ...
See the activity page for details.
Water Quality Module part of Project EDDIE:Teaching Materials:Modules
Water quality is a critical concept for undergraduate students studying Earth Sciences, Biology, and Environmental Sciences. Many of these students will be asked to assess the impacts of a proposed anthropogenic ...
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Working with Climate Change Data part of Introductory Courses:Activities
This activity takes place in a laboratory setting and requires ~1.5-2 hours to complete. Students use spreadsheets to create graphs data related to climate change: sunspots, insolation, carbon dioxide, and global ...
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Using Carbon Isotopes in Astrobiology: Origin of Life and beyond part of Teach the Earth:Teaching Activities
Carbon isotopes are used in many different ways by scientists to reconstruct Earth's past. For example, we can use carbon isotopes to determine when life first evolved on Earth, and to learn more about what ...
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