Initial Publication Date: November 3, 2006
Teaching Geoscience with Visualizations
Visualizing the Earth, its processes, and its evolution through time is a fundamental aspect of geoscience. The use of visualizations - diagrams, images, animations, maps, and more - is an essential tool in helping students to visualize the Earth and its processes (e.g., references in the recommended reading list and many others).
How to Use Visualizations in Class
- What Makes an Effective Visualization: If you are using visualizations in class, these guidelines will help you choose the best options.
- Teaching Activities Using Visualizations: Search our collection of teaching activities that use visualizations.
- Teaching Activities Using Google Earth: Over 20 examples of Google Earth in geoscience classrooms.
Lessons from Education and Cognitive Science Research
Research sheds light on why teaching with visualizations is effective.
- Recommended Reading about Teaching and Learning with Visualizations
- 2006 GSA Annual Meeting Session on Visualization in the Geosciences
- Includes the presentation by Nora Newcombe entitled "Are Men Better Visualizers (PowerPoint 334kB Nov3 06)" (posted with author's permission)
- Websites for leading Researchers in education and cognitive science
Visualization Collections
- Other Sites with Extensive Visualization Collections. The following sites maintain large collections of visualizations. The collections span the variety of forms of visualizations including animations, still images, movies, models, and simulations.
- Browse our collection of Geoscience Datasets with Visualizations. This link will take you to a browseable collection of geoscience datasets that include visualizations, searchable by topic.
Creating your own Visualizations
- Descriptions of Tools you can use to create visualizations
- Design principles for making effective visualizations
- Visualizing Seismic Waves for Teaching and Research: Hybrid Virtual Workshop February - April 2011
- Teaching with New Geoscience Tools: Visualizations, Models, and Online Data: February 10-12, 2008 at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Join the Discussion

This site aggregates resources and results from two workshops on Teaching with Visualizations. The first, Teaching Geoscience with Visualizations: Using Images, Animations, and Models Effectively, was held at Carleton College in Northfield, MN in February, 2004. A follow-on workshop was held at the fall 2004 meeting of the American Geophysical Union in San Francisco, CA.
Animation in banner courtesy of Don Middleton, NCAR