Student Learning Online

Teaching Geoscience Online

Colleges and universities are increasing their online offerings as a means of reaching a wider audience, offering a convenient course format for part-time students, connecting students with faculty who may not share the same campus, concentrating students in specialized courses with traditionally low enrollment, and controlling costs. Regardless of the format, topic or setting, many types of online classrooms share successful strategies and common challenges. The use of technology can attract some students while alienating others. The independent nature of online courses can challenge students' time management skills and reward self-motivated learners. And for faculty, translating years of classroom teaching into a new and virtual environment may present daunting challenges.

Do you teach online? Or are you looking to make the leap to online teaching?

The materials below are designed to help geoscience faculty improve their online teaching, or to provide guidance to those who are considering venturing into the online classroom. These materials are authored by participants in the 2010 workshop, Teaching Geoscience Online.

Pedagogy, Course Design and Course Delivery

Online Activities and Courses

  • Online Activity Collection - Case studies, data-rich activities, discussion strategies and assessments contributed by faculty to the On the Cutting Edge web collection
  • Online Course Collection - Includes online courses in oceanography, evolution, natural hazards, National Parks and more. Contributed by faculty to the On the Cutting Edge web collection
  • Finding Lab Activities Online - Lab activities found online that address a wide variety of geoscience topics.
  • Do you have successful examples from your own online teaching? Tell us about your activities or courses.

Past virtual workshop, Teaching Geoscience Online

This workshop took place in June 2010 and was attended by 18 participants drawn from across the country and representing a full spectrum of institutional types. Workshop outcomes can be viewed on the program page and in the workshop report. The workshop produced most of the content provided on this website. We hope that these pages will help faculty who are engaged in teaching online as well as providing a starting point for those who are designing their first online courses.

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