Gareth Funning

Earth Sciences

University of California-Riverside

Workshop Participant, Website Contributor, Reviewer

Website Content Contributions

Course Modules (6)

Unit 5: How do earthquakes affect society? part of Imaging Active Tectonics
Unit 5 is a final exercise that can start during a lab period and carry over into work outside of the lab time. The project report will test students' abilities to synthesize and apply knowledge related to ...

GETSI Developed This material was developed and reviewed through the GETSI curricular materials development process.
Learn more about this review process.

Activities (2)

Assessment of active tectonic behavior in a continental region using Google Earth part of Early Career:Previous Workshops:Workshop 09:Teaching Activities
Students assess, through use of free online data and tools, evidence for tectonic activity in the landscape of a selected continental area (not a local area). The project is assessed by consideration of a written ...

On the Cutting Edge Exemplary Collection This activity is part of the On the Cutting Edge Exemplary Teaching Activities collection.
Learn more about this review process.

The 'Keeling Curve' and analyzing time series data in MATLAB part of Teaching Computation with MATLAB:MATLAB Workshop 2016:Teaching Activities
In this exercise, we analyze the trends in the CO2 record monitored at Mauna Loa, (the 'Keeling Curve'). This is an exercise in data handling, interpolation, trend estimation and extrapolation.

Essay (1)

The skills gap between the graduates we produce and the graduate students we'd like to recruit (or, "How I bit the bullet and tried to teach computing.") part of Teaching Computation with MATLAB:MATLAB Workshop 2016:Essays
Gareth Funning, Department of Earth Sciences, University of California, Riverside I once overheard one of my graduate students, chatting to a visitor about his Masters research. "I think it's gone ...

Other Contribution (1)

Supporting Minority Students at the University of California-Riverside part of Integrate:Program Design:Increase Diversity:Supporting Minority Students
UCR is one of the most ethnically diverse universities in the US, ranked equal 12th by the US News & World Report in 2013. This situation reflects the commitment of the university to promoting and maintaining diversity, as well as the campus location within inland southern California. Overall, 38.4% of the undergraduate population in Fall 2012 identified as belonging to underrepresented ethic minorities (African-American, Latino/Chicano or Native American). The Department of Earth Sciences at UCR has existed, in various guises, since the founding of the university in the 1950s. Today, we have 56 undergraduate majors in our Geology and Geophysics programs.