a. Explore the interplay among Coastal Hazards, Risk and Environmental Justice with emphasis on the Gulf Coast region. Choose one: 1 - Disagree 2 - Tend to disagree 3 - Tend to agree 4 - Agree b. Discuss how these issues are and can be presented in courses and curriculum in the earth system sciences and other fields Choose one: 1 - Disagree 2 - Tend to disagree 3 - Tend to agree 4 - Agree c. Learn about InTeGrate resources – materials, collections, web resources, courses, modules, workshops, the 2015 Earth Educators Rendezvous, potential funding opportunities for follow-on activities, etc – and discuss how they can be used to advance institutional and project goals. Choose one: 1 - Disagree 2 - Tend to disagree 3 - Tend to agree 4 - Agree d. Develop action plans for incorporating the inter-related issues of Coastal Hazards, Risk and Environmental Justice into their curriculum and campus programs in order to advance programmatic and institutional goals to strengthen the enrollment and success of diverse students in their programs Choose one: 1 - Disagree 2 - Tend to disagree 3 - Tend to agree 4 - Agree
I will make use of Website and/or teaching materials. I will participate in workshops, webinars, or other professional development opportunities. I would like to bring a traveling workshop to my institution. I would like to consult with the workshop leaders after I return to my institution. Other If "Other" please elaborate. You may also elaborate further on your specific interests in this space.