Initial Publication Date: April 30, 2012

Geology and Geography, Georgia Southern University

Information for this profile was provided by Wei Tu, Geology and Geography, Georgia Southern University. Information is also available on the program website. Students in this program are pursuing a bachelors degree.

Program Design & Assessment


(No information provided.)


Support the Core Curriculum by providing students an understanding of the variety and complexity of the Earth's geologic, environmental, cultural, political, and socioeconomic systems and their interactions.

Program Goals

Please see the attached file, Program learning outcomes (Microsoft Word 211kB Apr25 12). We have 10 learning outcomes for each of our four degree programs.

Alumni Careers

Our program is designed to prepare graduates for these career paths:
Graduate schools or immediate employment in fields such as education, urban and county planning, geology, hydrology, environmental protection, and geospatial technology.

Program Assessment

  1. Identify the learning outcomes for the four degree programs (BA/BS in Geology/Geography)
  2. Decide the program learning outcomes (PLGs) that will be assessed. Currently, two PLGs are assessed each semester for each of the four degree programs
  3. Decide the courses that the selected PLGs will be assessed
  4. Design instruments for the assessment of the course learning outcomes (CLOs) in the selected courses
  5. Assess CLOs using the above instruments
  6. Analyze and discuss the assessment results
  7. Make necessary changes in the assessed courses
  8. Repeat steps 2-7

Courses and Sequencing

Entry into the program

Please see the attached file, Courses and Sequencing of the programs (Excel 31kB Apr25 12).

Core courses

Please see the attached file, CORE (required) and elective courses of the programs (Excel 38kB Apr25 12).


Please see the attached file, CORE (required) and elective courses of the programs (Excel 38kB Apr25 12).

Supporting Materials