Pathways to Success: Course Design, Improving Diversity, and Transfer Opportunities in Geoscience
Saturday, November 18, 2017
Wake Tech Community College, Raleigh, NC
Registration Deadline: Extended to November 10, 2017
This workshop is the fourth regional workshop being held in Raleigh, NC, as part of the SAGE 2YC project. Workshop participants will learn about best practices to support the success of our 2YC geoscience students. The program will focus on aspects of the following topics: effective course design and assessment to increase student success, how to increase diversity in the geoscience workforce, transfer pathways and other opportunities for geoscience students in North Carolina, and continuing to build collaboration among faculty at regional 2YCs.
Workshop Conveners
- Adrianne Leinbach, Wake Tech Community College (
- Gretchen Miller, Wake Tech Community College (
If you would like further information about the workshop, please contact one of conveners listed above.
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