Impacts of Resource Development on American Indian Lands
What is this collection?
This page was written by Erin Klauk as part of the DLESE Community Services Project: Integrating Research in Education.This collection contains an assortment of digital resources relevant to exploring American Indian land and resource development by using investigative case studies. We will systematically take an Earth System approach to understand resource development on American Indian lands.
The following case studies have been developed to tell the story of what happened there:
Uranium Mining on the Navajo Nation
Gold Mining and the Fort Belknap Indian Reservation
Coal Bed Methane and the Crow Reservation
Water Resources and the Nez Perce Indian Reservation
Gold Mining and the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation
Resources of the Pribilof Islands
Who is this information for?
This collection is designed primarily for undergraduate and graduate level instructors and students. Of particular interest is to provide this information in an organized manner for American Indian peoples involved in the geosciences, and interest and recruit American Indian geoscience students.
About this project
Learn more about this project here.
To get started, let's explore the Navajo Nation!
This is a self guided tour through the impacts of resource development on American Indian lands. The first case study will provide you with information on uranium mining on the Navajo Nation. Get started by looking at the recommended Study Guide, or begin with the Geology of the Navajo Nation.