Supporting Academic Success in the Geosciences at Southern California Two-Year Colleges

Friday, December 2, 2016


8:30-9:00 Registration; Continental breakfast

9:00-9:30 Introduction Introduction (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 8.3MB Nov20 16)

  • NSF-Funded Agents of Change Project
  • Icebreaker

9:30-10:00 What does student success look like?

  • Participants will explore what student success looks like to themselves, their geoscience program, and their institution.

10:00 -11:00 Strengthen students' study skills using metacognition Metacognition Presentation (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 5.5MB Dec1 16)

  • Participants will be introduced to ways they can explicitly incorporating metacognitive strategies into their classroom to teach students "how" to learn and succeed in class.

11:00-11:15 Break

11:15-12:00 Group work: What learning strategies do you use that are working?

12:00-1:00 Working Lunch

  • An opportunity to hear some students share past and current transfer experiences
  • Introduction to this afternoons transfer activities

1:00-1:45 Gallery Walk

  • Geoscience faculty and counselors share institution specific transfer challenges and provide solutions for other teams

1:45-2:45 Roadmap to transfer success:

  • Work with your school's counselor to draft a course roadmap for transfer to UC, CSU, and nearby private colleges

2:45-3:00 Break

3:00-3:30 Geoscience degree discussion

  • Examine requirements for your internal geoscience degrees

3:30-3:45 Individual reflection and action plans

  • Participants will have an opportunity to record what they will take away from the day's activities and consider how they will use it at their own institution.

3:45-4:00 Closing remarks and workshop evaluations

Additional Resources:

Supporting and Advancing Geoscience Education in Two-Year Colleges (SAGE 2YC)

The Science Education Resource Center at Carleton College (SERC)

The National Association of Geoscience Teachers (NAGT) and NAGT Geo2YC Division

The Math You Need, When You Need It

Earth Viewer App